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On Wednesday 26 February 2003 04:10 pm, Guy Zelck wrote:
> Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
> > If you want the newest software, run the new versions,
> And  change every 6 months, no thanks! Now that we finally got all our
> 3rd party s.w. working like vpn clients (cicso, freeswan), vmware
> workstations, banking software, NVIDIA drivers, sound drivers...  to
> name but a few. Do you think those suppliers are happy with having to
> support 50 versions of their product on their website for Liniux? And
> what about those new users, how do you expect them to cope with ever
> changing versions and get orientated? It's hard enough for them to get
> on board in the 1st place. When the poor guys ask for help it's o so
> easy to tell them 'upgrade'. There are also a lot of people who want to
> put their system to good use once it's up and has most of what they need
> working and not having to think about doing it all over again in 6 mths.
Sounds  to me like you are a candidate for Debian stable, slow and steady, no 
real upgrades for years.  Of course they are on KDE 2.2.2 still, so that 
won't do.

> > OR: Go get KDE x.xx and install it yourself!
> Yes, lets to the same work a thousand times over! In stead of Mandrake
> doing it just once and sharing it with their community. Very smart...

Or you do it and share it with the community so that they do not have to do it 
a thousand times over.  Become a Club volunteer and package KDE3.1 for club 
members, I bet you would get a VIP membership out of it.
> > How can you people continue to push Mandrake to release the newest
> > software for old releases, AND expect them to put out new releases?!?!
> How are we pushing when we are holding on to our "older" (I hate to use
> that word) releases? What is harder, compiling a few major apps or a
> whole release?
> > Yes, I agree (in part) that the release cycle is too fast. They have
> > developed the habit of moving on to the next version, before they get
> > the current one, up to date, and working (se my last post on this).

I believe they keep it working (security updates, major bugfixes), but up to 
date may be another story.  I would assume that they believe that is what the 
new distro is for.  In essence saying, "if you want the new stuff run the new 
distro, and if you want new stuff for the old distro, join the Club, but if 
it is older than 12 months, we don't know what it is."

> I'm not the only one who's thinking that. Don't get me wrong, I loved
> Mandrake since 6.x . In stead of having a big following for one release
> you end up with many small ones. Now there's even more divisions with
> the non-club, standard, silver and golden categories. This is not good
> for support. It's not good for Mandrake either having to adapt their
> thinking or solutions to so many versions. It's making everybody's live
> hard.

Which is exactly why they are going to support only two prior releases as per 
their new product life initiative.

There are strong arguments for lengthening the release cycle and providing 
more software updates between releases, but that is not what Mandrake is 
doing right now.  Subsequently, it is not us you have to convince, but 
- -- 
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