On Friday 30 May 2003 9:42 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 11:23, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Friday 30 May 2003 5:32 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:

> > While on the subject of lockups, the only problem I've had is
> > when trying to use my filmscanner - for which 9.1 says it has a
> > driver.  I changed to the multimedia kernel, but the same thing
> > happened there. Sooner or later I will try a later kernel.
> >
> > What I would really like to do is to close everything I can, then
> > set something going that would cause an orderly shutdown in, say
> > 5 minutes which would be no problem if was ok, but would get me
> > out of a crash.  Logically, though, if I have a situation where
> > neither mouse nor keyboard is responding, I presume that it means
> > there is a runaway process that is taking all resources, so it
> > wouldn't work. Is that right?
> >
> > Anne
> Right enough... but it is possible that X is locked up but not the
> box so to speak.  I think (but could be wrong) that if you used
> shutdown with a timer setting of 5 minutes it would still be able
> to shut the box down because it has priority.  (if the runaway
> process is not a kernel bug)  Somewhere I seem to remember someone
> talking about a process they have running on a server that looks
> for lockup situations and reboots the box if it finds one
> happening.  Annoying as heck but possibly useful in this case.
I think when the time comes I should try that.  If it's a kernel bug 
I'm no worse off.  If it's X that's locked up then it should shut 
down properly with much less risk of damage.

> I've had lockups with 9.1 as described and but mine where all
> related to tmdns and the fact that /etc/hosts kept getting reset to
> localhost
> instead of what I needed it to be.  Removing tmdns from my box
> along with zcip (some zeroconf stuff) then manually making this as
> my hosts file
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> jamlap.linuxpda.biz jamlap
> Cured all the lockups I had associated with gnome and gnome
> applications.
> James

Knowing the problems that others had come across I chose not to 
install a firewall.  I have a firewall on the router, so didn't feel 
it essential.  My hosts file remains as I made it               localhost    anne-linux.lydgate.net anne-linux


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