On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 09:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey thanks Mark!  Sorry to take so long responding; I forgot to renew my
> domain name and wasn't getting any mail - please don't ask :}
> thanks again!  mike


   You blew it ... you could have blamed it on the problems with sympa
and he would have believed you *grin*


> > Michael Holt wrote:
> >> Hey,
> >> I'm looking for some help on my little backup script for my server.  I'm
> >> not a real savvy scripter so please bare with me :)
> >> I googled around awhile back and put together a bu script that has
> >> served
> >> my purpose well until now.  It's just a few lines as you will see and I
> >> use it with cron to make a cdrw every morning at 3am.
> >>
> >> Now the info on my server is starting to outgrow just on cdrw (jpgs and
> >> such) so I would like to know how I can modify my script to be able to
> >> exclude either certain files or directories.  I imagine that sed would
> >> be
> >> involved, but I don't completely understand that tool so I'm hoping that
> >> someone might be able to give me some pointers and maybe even explain
> >> how
> >> the code will work in that setting.  Well, here's what I've got now:
> >
> > Michael,
> >
> > attached you'll find the one i've been using and it works flawlessly. I
> > can't remember his name, but it was a gentleman here on the expert list
> > that sent me a copy of his and I used his as a guide to cook this one up.
> >
> > enjoy...
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
> > Linux User Since 1996
> > Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2 & 9.1
> > ICQ# 27816299
> > #!/bin/sh
> > #MAILTO:mdw1982
> > # ##########################
> > # variables for the program:
> > # ##########################
> > TAPE=/dev/st0;
> > HOME_FILES=/home;
> > DOCUMENTS=/mnt/arc_2/Documents;
> > WWW=/var/www;
> > MAIL=/var/spool/mail;
> > DATABASE=/var/lib/mysql;
> > MP3=/mnt/mp3;
> > LOG_PATH=/home/mdw1982/;
> > LOG_DIR=backup_log;
> > DATE=$( date +%m-%d-%Y );
> >
> > # ##########################
> > # functions for program    :
> > # ##########################
> > message(){
> >     echo ".........This is the Tape backup program..........";
> >     echo "         -------------------------------          ";
> >     echo "";
> >     echo "I've successfully completed the nightly backup of the system";
> >     echo "for $DATE";
> >     echo "";
> >     echo "The Log file containing the backup's contents has been written";
> >     echo "to $LOG_PATH.";
> >     echo "............. END OF TRANSMISSION ................";
> > }
> >
> > # does the directory to receive the backup logs exist?
> > # if not then we're going to create it...
> > checkLog(){
> >     for i in $( ls -d /home/mdw1982/* ); do
> >             ITEM=$i
> >             if [ $ITEM = $LOG_DIR ]
> >             then
> >                     FOUND=true
> >             else
> >                     FOUND=false
> >             fi
> >     done
> > }
> >
> > # ##########################
> > # main program                                 :
> > # ##########################
> >
> > # putting all the goodies to the tape
> > find /bin /boot /etc /home /root /var /mnt/arc_2/Documents /var/www -print
> > | grep -iv "\./var/ftp" | sort | cpio -oaBc -O /dev/tape
> >
> > # writing out the logfile to disk
> > cpio -iBct -I /dev/tape > /home/mdw1982/backup_log/$( date +%m-%d-%Y
> > )_bkup.indx
> >
> >
> > # compressing the logfile
> > gzip -1 /home/mdw1982/backup_log/$( date +%m-%d-%Y )_bkup.indx
> >
> > # outputing message to email
> > message;
> >
> > # exiting the program
> > exit;
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> >
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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