On Mon Jun 23, 2003 at 11:20:54PM -0700, James Sparenberg wrote:

> > Found something else that worked pretty good...  I documented it on the
> > wiki.
> Thanks .... I plan on documenting mine as soon as I can get back into
> it. (Lost IDE on the mainboard due to a bad hdd caddy.  UGH.)  

Geez... you're having nothing but rotten luck aren't you?  And I thought
mine was bad...  (reinstalled 9.1/PPC last week due to some not-so-smart rpm
removals, reinstalled 9.1 last night to try to fix this radeon thing,
dealing with DRI and X lockups with the r128 card, then this mess with the
radeon... lots of fun).

> > Went from 320FPS to about 2200FPS... much nicer.  EQ runs pretty good in
> > winex now, and NWN looked pretty good for the 10s before it crashed.

No doubt... I almost fell over when I saw that.  I was amazed.  =)  Then
really disappointed that the reason I had put the card in there in the first
place wasn't working too hot (EQ and NWN).

> > Matter of fact, EQ died pretty bad on me after about 5 minutes.
> > 
> > I think, instead of trying to dick around and get Windows games to play nice
> > in Linux, I'd be better off dual-booting and playing my games in Windows
> > itself.  Nice thing about Win2k is that if I don't give it drivers for the
> > Promise card that all my Linux drives are attached to, it can't bugger
> > anything up.  =)
> Yes but tuxracer and frozen bubbles have to rock *grin*

You know, I may actually have to try tuxracer out... truth be told, I
haven't given it a go once.  But Frozen Bubble should be cool, although it
ran quite nicely before... I can't imagine it taking advantage of too much
3D accel.

Now if I could figure out how to make Quake2 work in 9.1, then I'd be a
*real* happy camper (to the extent that now I'm dual booting to deal with my
RPG cravings).

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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