On Wed Jul 23, 2003 at 04:46:09PM -0700, Bryan Whitehead wrote:

> >Ok.  Did a little playing here, using /var/lock/subsys/* as my 
> >determination
> >point.
> >
> >kernel: everything world writeable
> >kernel-secure: normal perms (most everything world readable except syslog
> >IIRC)
> >kernel-enterprise: normal perms
> Enterprise is broken also. Please see my previous post.

I did.  And after looking and it and testing here (and getting secteam to do
some quick testing) we came to the conclusion that kernel-secure and any fs
*or* any kernel and XFS are ok... for the rest, bad news.

> Also, it doesn't seem to be only reiserfs related. NFS has the problem 
> also when no reiserfs is on the system.
> XFS filesystems do not seem to have this problem.


> As I said before, I can rekickstart some test machines with any combo of 
> filesystems to test. I'm willing to test new kernels.

At this point, we're waiting.  I had no hand in the kernel updates beyond
testing and coordination.  The kernel folks did all the work on it and I
can't tell from the changelog where the problem may have been introduced,
nor can I determine from the many and varied patches where it may have
creeped in.  We're waiting for Juan to wake up and take a gander at it.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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