On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 08:21, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> T. Ribbrock schrieb am Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:09:04 +0200:
> >I sincerely hope, that MDK is never forced to go down that route.
> I think you are mixing MandrakeSoft and Debian. MandrakeSoft has a
> different business model than Red Hat or SuSE but they are still a
> company which has to hand out pay checks each month (mine was a bit
> late this month!).
> If they do what they say on their site, like "looking on different
> business models to check how they are compatible to our commitment to
> Open Source and Free Software" the this is absolutely ok.
> And what road Mandrake goes down is in the future, nobody can tell. But
> consider this: As a company head, would you have sold Mandrake last
> February to a bidder? Mandrake management did not sell when the going
> got tough. This is one point we should all bear in mind. If Mandrake
> management would have preferred the easy way out, we would all be using
> Debian now :-)
I agree fully with you WoBo, and heck, you say "If Mandrake management
would have preferred the easy way out"...  I say, if they had, they
would have turned tail and run some long time ago, if anything, they
have earned my trust as folks truly trying to do "the _best_ thing" for
GNU-Linux as well as their stock and bond holders, in the long term too,
not just trying to get a buck this week.

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