>>   I've got a situation where I'd like to be able to take the output
>>from lm_sensors (temp and voltage) and read it constantly and graph it
>>as it's going, into a web page.  So two questions.
>>1.  Does something that does this exist?  (don't want to re-invent the

I've used gnuplot to do this before. Here's an example script:

set ylabel "temperature"
set xlabel "time"
set terminal png
set output "test.png"
plot [0:10] [0:10] 'lm_data.txt' using 1:2 smooth bezier with linespoint

Here's the example datafile for the above:
1       2       115
2       3       100
3       4       112
4       5       109
5       6       100
6       7       110
7       7.1     120
8       7.2     121

To use gnuplot to create the image you can run this as:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gnuplot makegraph.batch

It will create a test.png image in the directory that you can then place
inside your web page. Use cron, cgi, or php to update the graph.

>>2.  Which is the better poison.  Python or Perl for this job.
>>Note too,  I'm a non-programming since Fortran IV (what4) so ease of
>>learning is helpful.

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