On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 14:06, Bill Mullen wrote:

> Unless, of course, the only one giving you fits is your boss', which we
> have already established is hosed in some bizarre fashion <g> ... but
> having Postfix use a more valid hostname may fix that situation, too, even
> though that doesn't fully explain that server's rather eccentric behavior.

Ok, here's my new postconf:

mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain $mydomain,
mydomain = holt-tech.net
myhostname = earth.holt-tech.net
mynetworks =,
myorigin = holt-tech.net

I added my client machine to /var/spool/postfix/etc/hosts and added the
above to main.cf then I sent a message to my boss from the client
machine to see what happens.  I'm not sure when I'll hear back, so I'm
just going to wait a bit and see.  I want to wait to make any more
changes to see if this has any effect.

> HTH!

That's great!  Thanks again!
Michael Holt
Snohomish, WA                       (o_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     (o_  (o_  //\    
www.holt-tech.net         (/)_ (/)_ V_/_     www.mandrakelinux.com     
SysAdmin excuse #373:

Suspicious pointer corrupted virtual machine

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