Did this below still nothing everything stops... Can you help more Please.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] shorewall]# service shorewall check
Loading /usr/share/shorewall/functions...
Processing /etc/shorewall/params ...
Processing /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf...

Notice:  The 'check' command is unsupported and problem
         reports complaining about errors that it didn't catch
         will not be accepted

Shorewall has detected the following iptables/netfilter capabilities:
   NAT: Available
   Packet Mangling: Available
   Multi-port Match: Available
   Connection Tracking Match: Available
Verifying Configuration...
Loading Modules...
Determining Zones...
   Zones: net loc
Validating interfaces file...
   Warning: Invalid option (routestopped) in record "net eth0 detect
Validating hosts file...
Determining Hosts in Zones...
   Net Zone: eth0:
   Local Zone: eth1:
Validating policy file...
   Policy for loc to net is ACCEPT using chain loc2net
   Policy for fw to net is ACCEPT using chain fw2net
   Policy for net to loc is DROP using chain net2all
   Policy for net to fw is DROP using chain net2all
   Policy for loc to fw is REJECT using chain all2all
   Policy for fw to loc is REJECT using chain all2all
Validating rules file...
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 22,53,631,3128,10000 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw udp 53 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 53,80 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net udp 53 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw udp 137:139,445 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 137,139,445 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw udp 1024: 137 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw loc udp 137:139,445 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw loc tcp 137,139,445 -" checked.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw loc udp 1024: 137 -" checked.
Configuration Validated

Notice:  The 'check' command is unsupported and problem
         reports complaining about errors that it didn't catch
         will not be accepted

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Backlund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] shore wall

From: "Lawson, Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here is what I have in my /etc/shorewall/rules the ones with the # are old
> ones.

remove this line that is above the rules, or they will newer get
as the shorewall script only reads until it finds the text '#LAST LINE...'

and as it states it's the LAST LINE, so it should be found only once,
and that is as the last line in the rules file
(and you already have that line in place according to your mail)

then issue a 'shorewall restart' and let me know how it works...



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