On 2017-02-01 19:40, Jim Mack wrote:
> So why not create a separate small process that passes on its 
> parameters to
> a running factor if it can find it, or starts a new one if it can't?

That's like running a server and sending requests to it. I take several 
issues with that:

1 - I need one instance to have *all* my libraries, present and future 
to be pre-loaded. But more importantly:
2 - a typical shell script can call a dozen external executables. Some 
will be in C, some in bash, some in python, some in perl etc. If every 
language would need a huge server to run, where would that leave us?

> On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 7:51 AM, Timothy Hobbs <timo...@hobbs.cz> wrote:
>> Have you tried loading the
>> factor interpreter in the background and seeing if factor launches
>> quicker while another factor process is running?

I did what I think is fair - started it once so everything necessary 
gets cached in RAM and discard that run. As noted above I don't think 
running a server for each possible language is a good solution.

Feel free to contradict me gentlemen, I'm open to discussion, but I do 
have my own opinion of what is acceptable and transferable to other PCs 
/ colleagues. I'm not looking for some local hack to speed things up but 
a general solution that doesn't put any more burden on the end users 
than it is necessary.

   Peter Nagy

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