I was thinking along these lines once and decided that what we need
is a "take Christ down from the cross campaign". Poor guy, being
kept symbolically nailed to that cross for all this time, on
millions upon millions of those crucifixion idols, being churned out
in factories and shops on a non-stop basis across the globe. For
Christs sake, let him down, he's suffered enough.

Rick Carlstrom

----The cross is the crossed vajra, the swastika, and the third eye when open, it is not about a man crucified, except that we all also are always crucified as well between the absolute and relative being neither, both, and yet either. Take down that poor guy, his symbol is for the reflection of the sun of spirit riding upon the waters. When one views the cross they should see the divine displayed across the surface of the human mind, not some poor guy. That seeing some poor guys pathos is so Christian in itself, take that down.

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