biosoundbill wrote:
> Hi Bhairitu,
> As far As the `M' and `NG' endings go, I don't really know which 
> ones are the most powerful.
> My TM mantra ends in `NG,' but I know lots of people who were 
> given `M' ending mantras. I often feel that MMY used both just to 
> make up a bigger pool of mantras. eg:- there are so many versions of 
> Sarasvati's bija!
> I never got an advanced technique, and often wonder how anyone could 
> meditate effortlessly on a longer mantra?
> Do you for example meditate effortlessly on Om ing kling 
> brihaspataye namah, or is this effortless way of meditating unique 
> to TM?
> According to Guru Dev no householder should meditate on `OM' alone, 
> but men can meditate on `Om' as part of a longer mantra, where as 
> Ladies should replace the `Om' with `Shree'
> Namaste,
> Billy
As far as endings go I don't think MMY made up anything.  He was 
following some obscure tradition.  There are some traditions that 
utilize both endings.

Yes there are many mantras for each deity.  That's why you have those 
1000 names of Visnu, 1000 names of Kali, etc sutras.  :)

Once you learn a long mantra it comes just as easily as a short one.  
One can even meditate effortlessly on Gayatri once learned.  But on long 
mantras some teachers in this day in age since we have the technology 
have people listening to them on cassette or even MP3 players. :)

Most Indians will tell you that it is not good to meditate on Om alone 
though you can use it temporarily to calm vata but extended use may 
actually make vata worse.   "Ram" may be better for vata imbalances.  
However mantra rules change from tradition to tradition and India is a 
large country with many, many traditions.

Jai Ma,

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