In the Hindu yogic tradition I practiced in, the "gap" or transcendent in TM speak is only just the beginning...and it's not truly transcendental consciousness, it's merely a thought-free state. It is however an important sign that practice is ready to go to another level, one where the transcendent is nurtured and the "gap" becomes much longer. From what I've seen in TM research, the longest recorded by their "research" in just a couple of minutes. But for a yogin going deeply we're talking something that goes for several hours or much longer, at will. So a long or short mantra MAY make a little difference, one or two minutes compared to three or four, but in the big picture it's insignificant IME.

On Oct 21, 2007, at 8:12 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Is there any evidence of this? Folks have measured the length of sojourn in TC? Wouldn't that also depend on the individual, on length of practice and predisposition, to name just a few of the possible variables? a

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