--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 10/21/07 4:33:16 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> >  Well then it must be the will of the people that they do it.
> Nope.  
> Much of the legislation the GOP has blocked has been  overwhelmingly
> supported by the American people. The Webb amendment for  longer breaks
> for our troops and the extension of SCHIP are just two  examples.
> Then I suppose you have some evidence to back that claim up. 

CBS Poll: Overwhelming Support for SCHIP

CBS News is out with a new poll (PDF format) that makes it clear how
popular SCHIP - the State Children's Health Insurance Program - is
among the American people.  How about these numbers?

Favor 81%
Oppose 15

Via: http://www.raisingkaine.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=10960


Apparently there was no public poll on the Webb Amendment. However it
was backed by the Military Officers Association of America
representing over 370,000 military officers.

    ---The fact that the GOP blocked this amendment speaks loudly of
their colossally hypocritical claims of "supporting the troops" and
falsely and repeatedly bloviating that the Democrats don't.---

In a written statement presented to the Senate Armed Services
Committee in March, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James T. Conway said
that "[t]he current deployment cycle requires commanders to focus
solely on those skill sets required to accomplish the mission in Iraq
and Afghanistan," adding, "[t]he result of this strain is evident in
the Marine Corps' limited ability to provide trained forces to project
power in support of other contingencies. ... To fulfill our mandate to
be 'most ready when the Nation is least ready,' our deployment cycles
must not only support training for irregular warfare, they must also
provide sufficient time for recovery, maintenance, and training for
other contingency missions." 

While active-duty Marines currently spend seven months deployed in
return for six months or less at home, Conway told the Senate Armed
Services Committee that he would like to return to a 1:2
"deployment-to-dwell" ratio -- spending two months at home for each
month deployed -- under which the Marines previously operated.

Similarly, in answers to the advance questions that Gen. George W.
Casey submitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee in February as
part of his nomination to become Army chief of staff, Casey stated
that "the Army minimum goal for Active Component units" is a 1:2
"deployment-to-dwell" ratio. 

Casey said: "we've returned units to Iraq with less than 12 months at
home station in order to meet the requirements on the ground. However,
this pace exacts a toll on the force--on equipment, on Soldiers, and
on their families." 

Links here: http://mediamatters.org/items/200709200011

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