--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> <snip>
> > You whine and complain about Republican 
> > "obstructionism" now and say they are  standing in the way
> > of the "will of the people" when Democrats have done the
> > very same thing since '94.
> Nope. The Republicans are doing it *far more*--three
> times as much, in fact--than the Democrats ever did (or
> previous Republicans ever did, for that matter).

>From the Washington Monthly:

GOP FILIBUSTERS....I see that Republicans have successfully
filibustered two more bills today: one to give a House seat to the
District of Columbia (57-42) and one to restore habeas corpus rights
to terrorism suspects (56-43).

That seems like a good excuse to rerun this chart that McClatchy put
together a couple of months ago. 

As you can see, Republicans aren't just obstructing legislation at
normal rates. They're obstructing legislation at three times the usual

They're absolutely desperate to keep this stuff off the president's
desk, where the only choice is to either sign it or else take the
blame for a high-profile veto.

As things stand, though, Republicans will largely avoid blame for
their tactics. After all, the first story linked above says only that
the DC bill "came up short in the Senate" and the second one that the
habeas bill "fell short in the Senate." 

You have to read with a gimlet eye to figure out how the vote actually
broke down, and casual readers will come away thinking that the bills
failed because of some kind of generic Washington gridlock, not GOP

So, for the record, here are the votes. On the habeas bill, Democrats
and Independents voted 50-1 in favor. Republicans voted 42-8 against. 

On the DC bill, Democrats and Independents voted 49-1 in favor.
Republicans voted 41-8 against. Would it really be so hard for
reporters to make it clear exactly who's responsible for blocking
these bills?

Here's the chart showing the numbers: http://tinyurl.com/2cn29a


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