In a message dated 10/20/07 5:31:40 P.M. Central  Daylight Time, 

> In a message dated  10/20/07 6:41:39 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:
> > He also fails to acknowledge that Congress isn't a  'Democratic'
> > Congress. Sixty votes are required to freely pass  legislation in the
> > Senate and the Senate is as follows:
> Democratic Senators 49 
> Republican Senators 49 
>  Independent 1 
> Connecticut for Lieberman Party 1
> AND, a  2/3 majority is required to pass bills in the House:
> House of  Representatives
> Democratic Representatives 233 
>  Republican Representatives 200 
> Who  sets the agenda's in the House and the Senate? Reid and  Pelosi?


Ummmm, Democrat Congress means that the Democrats  control the House and the 
Senate, hold the majority and leadership  positions,  control the committees, 
decide what legislative bills will  come to the floor to be voted on and just 
as importantly, which ones will not.  That was the case when the Congress was 
referred to as a Republican House and  Senate. It doesn't mean that either 
side can pass their agenda without  bipartisan support and to get that, there 
must be agreement on  the details  of a bill. I'm sure you've heard the saying, 
"the devil is inside the details".  You whine and complain about Republican 
"obstructionism" now and say they are  standing in the way of the "will of the 
people" when Democrats have done  the very same thing since '94. So, turn about 
is fair play,wouldn't you  say? Losing control of the legislative initiative 
or even the White House  isn't a disaster, it's just a delay in advancing ones 
agenda. It's kind of like  football. You get the ball for four downs and as 
long as you make the required  progress, you get to keep it, until you score. 
The Constitution are the rules  and the voters are the referees.   

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