> In a message dated 10/25/07 11:57:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Cheney  falls asleep during Cabinet meeting on wildfires.
> During a cabinet  meeting yesterday, Vice President Cheney fell asleep on 
> camera while  President Bush was discussing wildfires in California. A 
> Cheney  spokeswoman “laughed it off,” telling CNN that the vice president 
> was  “practicing  meditation.”
> http://thinkprogress.org/2007/10/25/cheney-falls-asleep-during-cabinet-meeting
> -on-wildfires/
> Looks more like meditation to me. If he were asleep that chin would be  
> resting on the chest. I guess he could afford the $2,500.00 initiation fee  
> without 
> too much problem. It might have been recommended to him for his heart  
> health. Would love to hear an MMY comment. "Hmmmm, do I treat him like a war  
> mongering bastard or do I suck up to him in hopes of getting American tax 
> payer  
> funding?"
Nah, he's sleeping.  Vampires usually sleep during the day.  But there 
is one place that Bush is more terrified to travel to than Iraq and 
that's California.  :)

  • ... Bhairitu
    • ... do.rflex
    • ... MDixon6569
      • ... Bhairitu
    • ... MDixon6569
      • ... Bhairitu
        • ... Robert Gimbel
          • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
            • ... bob_brigante
            • ... bob_brigante
            • ... Duveyoung
              • ... Angela Mailander
                • ... authfriend
                • ... Angela Mailander

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