I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what you've
described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was planning the
next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear attack upon
'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and menace to

I also learned that 'very soon', a device will be invented that will make
nuclear explosive devices inoperable.  Oh my Brahma!  I surely hope so, very

*"I will help all beings in every way I can promptly." *
* *
*"I will not inflict pain or misfortune on anyone through my thoughts, words
or deeds." *

On 10/26/07, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I heard a reading one time, by Ron Scalastico, where it was said,
> that, although the 'Higher Beings, Angels, etc.', where usually not
> allowed to interfere with human free will...
> That under certain conditions, they would be allowed to prevent a
> nuclear war, in that 'they' could withdraw someone's soul energy,
> which would put that person 'asleep'...
> So, this is a blessing in disquise, I would say...
> r.g. seattle.
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        • ... Robert Gimbel
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