> I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what 
> described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was 
planning the
> next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear 
attack upon
> 'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and 
menace to
> humanity.


Well, Stalin was certainly a scumbag (see link/clipping below), but 
he died in 1953, when the USSR only had a handful of nuke weapons and 
pitiful delivery systems. If anything, it was Mao later in the 50s 
and early 60s who was encouraging the Russkis to start a nuclear war 
since he would have had plenty of Chinese leftover after the West 
launched all its megatonnage, thereby "winning" the war with the West.

Best Cocktail-Party Factoid
The New York Review of Books reveals that, in his early years, Joseph
Stalin went through "forty different names, nicknames, bylines, and
aliases at various times," which only barely exceeds the number of
his professions: "revolutionary, bank robber, gangster, singer, poet,
womanizer, pedophile."—G.H.

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