Is is just me or did others here also breathe just a little easier
when Putin said, "An attack on Iran is an attack on Russia?"

Yeah! Sed moi -- Putin spelled it out for BushCo -- you can't just
take all the oil, and Iran's is Russia's so back off.  But BushCo may
be insane, and this may not even created a stutter in the GlobalBiz

But what Putin did do is notch up Americans' consciousness of the dire
state of affairs that would ensue if BushCo goes for Iran's throat. 
Up until Putin, I think most Americans would have been thinking,
"What's the down side? Some Iranians are pissed off that we blow up
their nuke making buildings?  I can live with that."  

But after Putin, it's got to be more like, "Holy shit, the Ruskies got
ten thousand nukes still pointed and ready to go to downtown D.C.,
uptown NYC and deep in the heart of Texas.  Hmmmm, NOW do I want an
ape in a ten gallon hat to be a decider?"

Putin forced us all to see the "real deal" just a bit clearer -- as
much as BushCo loves to saber rattle, trying to scare Iran by banging
on a shield just ain't a gonna happen when an Atomic Bear has its paw
draped over the shoulder of Lil' Buddy Ranny.

Gotta love it that GlobalBiz hasn't won the whole planet yet.  Most of
Asia isn't part of that, because, well, they want to do their OWN
versions of Universal Corporate Domination.  This is what passes for a
"safety factor" in Kali Yuga -- multiple planet rapists at odds with
each other.


--- In, "Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You
Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?"
> I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what you've
> described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was planning the
> next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear
attack upon
> 'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and menace to
> humanity.
> I also learned that 'very soon', a device will be invented that will
> nuclear explosive devices inoperable.  Oh my Brahma!  I surely hope
so, very
> soon!
> *"I will help all beings in every way I can promptly." *
> * *
> *"I will not inflict pain or misfortune on anyone through my
thoughts, words
> or deeds." *
> On 10/26/07, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I heard a reading one time, by Ron Scalastico, where it was said,
> > that, although the 'Higher Beings, Angels, etc.', where usually not
> > allowed to interfere with human free will...
> > That under certain conditions, they would be allowed to prevent a
> > nuclear war, in that 'they' could withdraw someone's soul energy,
> > which would put that person 'asleep'...
> > So, this is a blessing in disquise, I would say...
> >
> > r.g. seattle.

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      • ... Robert Gimbel
        • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
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