I haven't seen any kids, they all look like adults to me. If you go to
the sites of Maharishi's educational institutions in India you will
see forms that parents or guardians have to sign acknowledging the
childs participation and guranteeing their good behaviour etc. 
Also I see some typical American idea of superiority here thinking
that somehow you are more democratic, just , the rule of law doesn't
exist elsewhere blah blah its all a delusion you are not more civilised.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reacting to the concept that the Pundit Kids were kidnapped, someone
> wrote this to me in a private email:
> "bravo....
> bravo...
> bravo...
> thank you....... 
> you're my new hero...
> signed...
> paranoid in fairfield (fear-field)"
> Erp, maybe I should try to step up to this plate better.  I was being
> poetically largish, of course, when I used this concept, but the email
> above braced me into thinking a bit harder about it.
> Were the Pundit Kids kidnapped?
> Of course not, but yes.  
> Yes, if money is dangled in front of an utterly poor Hindu family that
> is asked to send one of its sons to America in return for, what?  This
> is the hole in my knowledge.  Are poor families being bribed into
> sacrificing one child for the sake of the family?  How much money for
> a kid does the TMO pay?  
> My guess would be: nothing -- it's enough that a family is relieved of
> the cost of feeding that child, and the family gets this opportunity
> to have a kid who "might stay in America and get a job and send tons
> of money back to the family."  With almost a billion poor families,
> this may be an easy scenario to "sell" in India.
> In India, harsh poverty is the norm.  Get the picture?  Think "three
> times America's population" -- hundreds of millions -- we're talking
> no running water and maybe only one light bulb for a home, and the
> clothes worn are the only clothes owned.  We're talking sati widows
> sizzling on coals holding back their screams.  We're talking about
> villages that will get a notion and end up dragging a person out of a
> hut and beating that person to death in front of everyone, and knowing
> that cops will do nothing about a "religious punishment."  In such a
> milieu, selling a kid may be considered a great benefit, a lottery
> won, huzzah huzzah.  Who would dare discount the intensity of the
> desperation in the minds there?
> So, yeah, almost certainly, a massive kidnapping seems the most likely
> scenario.  I mean, does any expect that Girish headed up a two hundred
> person team to scour India for the best, most religious families with
> the purest hearted sons intent on gaining a priestly education?  
> Nope, I don't.  I think they went to one town, yelled out, "Anyone
> want to get rid of a kid?" and then beat back the crowds while trying
> to find the families with the least wherewithal to complain about the
> eventual "use" of their child.
> And how are "Our Holy Children of the Corn" treated here?  I don't
> know, but the little I heard was that they are severely proctored,
> impounded, and watched over like Guantanamo prisoners.  Are these kids
> allowed to quit the program, find fault with the program's
> restrictions, write to anyone via email, have online access at all,
> have a beer in town, watch TV, see a woman wearing pants instead of a
> dress, call home anytime, have non-pundit friends, go to a party, ask
> a serious question, sing a popular song, smile at or make eye contact
> with a non-pundit, talk about the challenges of ashram life??????
> I'm thinking, nope, they don't gots that.  The barbed wire enclosing
> their area -- is that really true?  Hoping I'm way paranoid and that
> these kids have a chance to, you know, BREATHE.
> How much do we get to know about the TMO's money raising operations? 
> Not much, right?  I mean, these Pundit Kids could have been used in
> every country of the world as heart-tuggers.  We seemingly raised the
> funds here in America to support the program, but, come on, didn't the
> TMO tell all the TB's in Germany to donate for that cause too? Why not
> get every TB enclave in the world to think that their group is the one
> most needing to pony up?  Hey, just askin'!!!!  Maybe those Pundit
> Kids are worth their weight in gold to Girish with a ROI of, say, 1000%?
> Sweaters, boots, hats and coats for the Pundit Kids?  
> I'll tell ya, this is a great story for some national reporter to
> really pick up on.  This could be spun into, you know, "Children Held
> Hostage In Barbed Wire Camps In Iowa" headlines.  I'm just sayin'.
> So, somebody smack me with some good news about this, cuz right now,
> given my above suspicions, I'm thinking that everyone in Fairfield is
> like the town-folks living next door to Auschwitz.  
> Smoke, I don't smell no smoke.
> Edg

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