Hi, Hughes, I did read that post, and thanks. Good for you for going 
to the bother of doing some research. I respect your opinions, even 
where I disagree, and have that book you recommend on my reading 

Best regards,
- Bronte

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "brontebaxter8" 
> <brontebaxter8@> wrote:
> >
> Hey Bronte, did you miss my post "David Icke - the verdict" from a 
> week ago? Perhaps it's worth the effort to find it as it might shed 
> bit of light on DI and his thought processes, all my own opinions 
> course but I'd be interested to see if you agree with me on any of 
> I have a good reading suggestion for you as well, which will give 
> a different perspective on life for sure.
> > 
> > I think we ARE shell-shocked. We are in denial. When someone 
> > past confusion that into a radical understanding or solution, 
> > are hooted down as crazy or anti-American. David Icke, for 
> > Here's a guy who has connected all the dots in a brilliant way 
> > deserves real consideration, but all you have to do is MENTION 
> > name to get branded as (quoting a former friend) "a bug-eyed cult 
> > zombie." People are scared to think outside the box, because of 
> > implications. Things are so seriously cockeyed and wrong, that 
> > to peak over the edge of the box is practically terrifying. 
> to 
> > pretend things are fine, have friendly debates about what 
> > candidate will save America, and totally disregard the problems 
> that 
> > go so deep no phony political system can ever address them. 
> > 
> > We have a two-party system? "The people" elect the president? Our 
> > last election proved both concepts to be illusions. Two 
> presidential 
> > candidates, from "opposite" parties, who "never knew each other" 
> > their shared alma mater, Yale, though they were just a year apart 
> and 
> > in the same elite Yale secret society! The electoral college 
> decides 
> > who gets elected, not the people. Democracy is an illusion and 
> > been for a long time. 
> > 
> > How is it we miss that? For one thing, because we're told how 
> we 
> > are, by the very people who run the show for us. Because they 
> us 
> > a "two-party system" that allows only the people who are one of 
> them 
> > to make it to the top, filtering out all genuine people as 
> candidates 
> > long before the time of the national vote. Keep 'em busy arguing 
> over 
> > who's better, Obama or Hillary, and do whatever you like behind 
> > scenes to tighten the snare a little more around freedom, 
> > who's really watching? The press ideofies anyone with intelligent 
> > criticism -- Icke for example again. Embarrass him on national 
> > television, twist his words and get everyone laughing at him, and 
> no 
> > one will hear the little voice of a man who saw through 
> no 
> > one else was sharp enough to question.
> > 
> > You are right to be outraged. You have great integrity. Keep 
> shoving 
> > it in our face, and eventually the very discomfort of that has to 
> > wake people up. It's not a popular position, but a heroic one. 
> > outcries are our only hope. You go, Edg.
> >      
> > - Bronte
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > It takes a thorn to remove a thorn.
> > > 
> > > I'm going to re-post below my early essay about true evil in the
> > > world.  This essay got exactly zero thread comments, yet in it 
> > wave
> > > a flag of desperation for today's downtrodden.
> > > 
> > > I think it is an example of important whining that has 
> > > clout and deserves to be repeated endlessly until the situation 
> > > rectified.  In it I present one of the most repugnant concepts 
> I've
> > > ever put into words here, but not a single person here 
> > > 
> > > How to interpret this silence?  I think most of us are shell 
> shocked
> > > -- too banged up to care about the injustices of the world -- 
> merely
> > > treading the water lost in a sea of political impotency.  
> > > 
> > > I could have written the essay as a sugary sweet cheerleading 
> > the
> > > love-virtues that need to be supported in the culture's 
> > consciousness,
> > > but I doubt that such an essay would have gotten any responses 
> here
> > > either.  In fact, I've posted MANY wonderfully sweet tales and 
> poems
> > > and "cool ideas," but I've gotten flamed here more often than 
> patted
> > > on the back.  My karma, but, so too has everyone here posted
> > > unrequitedly about their POVs.
> > > 
> > > When it comes to neighborliness, we're in short supply.
> > > 
> > > I don't need pats on the back cuz I do that for myself far 
> > than
> > > anyone here could, cuz I am a good writer/narcissist with a 
> jyotish
> > > chart to prove it, but geeze I keep coming here and posting 
what I
> > > consider to be emotionally involving, well presented, POVs 
> > core
> > > truths of life, and, like everyone here attempting the same 
> of
> > > community scholarship, flames or zilch is the common reward 
> instead
> > > of, you know, a group discussion storming inside our heads for 
> days
> > > with ever fractaling nuances as we move to unity of opinion.  
> Whew,
> > > wouldn't that be something new for us here!!!
> > > 
> > > Okay, here's that post.  You tell me:  is it mere whining or a
> > > standing up for cultural improvement?
> > > 
> > > Edg
> > > 
> > > Are you for war?
> > > 
> > > I think this upcoming vote is a critical "taking of America's 
> > psychic
> > > temperature," and, given that Hillery is leading in the polls, 
> > > that the Dems have not confronted BushCo with any potency, I am
> > > dumbfounded that anyone would vote for either Dems or Repubs --
> > > they're all so obviously in the grasp of GlobalBiz.
> > > 
> > > Hillary's lead can only be real if the heart and soul of 
> is
> > > shockingly tainted.
> > > 
> > > And, it burns so fiercely to see such an angelic presentation 
> > > Obama's and know he's already got 32 million bucks -- bought 
> > paid
> > > for -- and fast becoming an "Uncle Tom." And Obama succeeds 
> a
> > > REAL angel like Kucinich is an object of derision (Leprachaun's 
> > body)
> > > by even Jon Stewart.
> > > 
> > > I keep asking, "How is it that Americans don't know about 
> > Even
> > > a papercut should have taught us that wars leave scars that are 
> like
> > > acid on skin, leave memories of injustice that will not stop 
> boiling
> > > inside the heads of parents, brothers, sisters, sons and 
> daughters,
> > > and doom a generation to experiencing a personality hobbled 
with a
> > > crippling intent to exact revenge.
> > > 
> > > Ask anyone who lost a loved one in the fall of the 911 towers if
> > > they've stopped grinding about it.
> > > 
> > > I haven't.
> > > 
> > > Didn't you lose a loved one then too? Hundreds of hero cops and
> > > firefighters killed instantly? Who can recover from this?
> > > 
> > > How evil the powers that keep whole cultures blazing with anger 
> > > such atrocities.
> > > 
> > > Almost every American has seen The Godfather where even the 
> children
> > > of one's enemy must be killed, because those children will 
> > seek
> > > revenge when they grow older, because, OF COURSE, they will not 
> > > able to forgive, could never be able to forgive, and are 
> impossibly
> > > hard-wired forever to hate.
> > > 
> > > What Evil Group Consciousness is created by our mass killings 
> the
> > > Middle East? We know how we've been challenged to bear the 
> of
> > > 9-11 -- what don't we get about our killing at least 100 Arabs 
> > > every person who died in the towers?
> > > 
> > > What loathsome monster of karma now lurches our way?
> > > 
> > > Why don't Americans flinch when talking about war and what 
> momentums
> > > are created that continue for lifetimes? Ask any Jew if they 
> > > someone with a Nazi tattoo.
> > > 
> > > No one forgets. These things echo and inform and forcefully mold
> > > cultures.
> > > 
> > > What prevents EVERYONE from knowing this tarbaby? Why can't 
> > Americans
> > > feel this world groan under the weight of all the wars and what 
> > still
> > > roils billions into every sort of negativity?
> > > 
> > > Who hasn't seen a napalmed baby in a ditch or its equivalent 
> > DAY
> > > 
> > > Jack Baur doing a waterboarding -- that's PRIME TIME -- KIDS 
> > > 
> > > Spending half a trillion dollars on pillaging the lives of 
> hundreds 
> > of
> > > millions of innocents while America's downtrodden poor cringe --
> > this
> > > is politely talked about on CNN like, well, just like how good 
> > loving
> > > Nazi families talked about Krystalnacht around the nightly 
> > > table, right?
> > > 
> > > 2012 cannot come fast enough, but how dangerous is this long 
> > > towards it? After the masses realize that the tipping point 
> happened
> > > way before anyone noticed, after the noticing starts, panic in 
> > > streets might be the most common response as folks everywhere go
> > > through the stages of grief.
> > > 
> > > 1. Denial: "It can't be happening. America isn't a fascist state
> > > that tortures, invades, imperializes."
> > > 2. Anger: "Who let this happen? Off with their heads!"
> > > 3. Bargaining: "Just don't rock the boat. They're still letting 
> > > vote, and they'll change presidents soon, and maybe we can all 
> get 
> > along."
> > > 4. Depression: "Globalbiz cannot be beat. A trillion gallons of
> > > tattoo ink will be used to stamp 666 on every forehead."
> > > 5. Acceptance: "It's going to be OK. 2012 is just around the 
> > corner."
> > > 
> > > I'll tell ya, America has never had a Bastille Day, but I think 
> that
> > > the powers of GlobalBiz are pushing our culture way too fast, 
> > the
> > > masses are not being given enough assimilation time for each 
> erosion
> > > to our Bill of Rights. Is the pressure mounting so much that 
> > poor
> > > will do an uprising? I doubt it, but how then will all that 
> > > show itself in our culture?
> > > 
> > > More bad, lots more bad, right?
> > > 
> > > I'll tell ya, voting for Dennis Kucinich just ain't a gonna cut 
> it 
> > for
> > > me. Even he wouldn't suggest the death penalty for Bush, right?
> > > 
> > > So here's what I can do: if anyone, ANYONE even slightly 
> > > that mass carnage is acceptable, that Hillary is not as evil as 
> > Bush,
> > > I'm going to start raging, screaming, ranting, on the spot. 
> > > make a total fool of myself.
> > > 
> > > Why? Cuz, well, that's what you'd do right?
> > > 
> > > You'd do that, right? You'll scream your throat raw if anyone 
> says 
> > in
> > > your presence that they're going to vote for Hillary.
> > > 
> > > I'm absolutely sure you do that.
> > > 
> > > Okay, you don't want to admit you'd do that?
> > > 
> > > I'm telling you: if you had clarity, you'd do that.
> > > 
> > > Still in stage one "denial?"
> > > 
> > > Okay, you asked for it. Here's the clarity you're missing:
> > > 
> > > If you opened a bedroom door and found your 42 year old next-
> > > neighbor shoving a two inch wide cock up your four year old's 
> > > would you even pause?
> > > 
> > > Yeah, you got the rage inside you too; it's available, eh?
> > > 
> > > So don't tell me you're voting for Hillery, or I'll have the 
> > > same response, cuz she isn't advocating anything "tame" like a 
> > > inch cock up one kid's ass, she's for torturing millions of 
> children
> > > by killing their families, letting privateers rape their 
> cultures, 
> > and
> > > turning each precious soul into a stone cold killer.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Why are we pausing?
> > > 
> > > Why would anyone expect anyone to be able to politely talk 
> > what
> > > Hillary intends to do?
> > > 
> > > Don't expect me to pause.
> > > 
> > > Edg
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "brontebaxter8"
> > > > <brontebaxter8@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > <snip to>
> > > > >...result has not only defined and 
> > > > > sharpened my perspective on the subject but has inspired a 
> > > > > book which I now have started writing. The title: "Blowing 
> > > > > the Whistle on Enlightenment: Allegations of a New Age 
> Heretic."
> > > > 
> > > > Why am I not surprised?  :-)
> > > > 
> > > > Be sure to include a chapter on, "What to do
> > > > when someone won't let you monopolize the
> > > > conversation in the group he moderates?" The
> > > > content could include such tidbits as, "Make
> > > > a big deal out of stalking off the forum, but
> > > > hang onto the grudge and then, within days, 
> > > > come back to the forum to post negative arti-
> > > > cles about the teacher that the offending
> > > > person likes." *That* will wow them over at
> > > > Publisher's Weekly.  :-)
> > > > 
> > > > Bronte, I have to say that I nailed you as a
> > > > compulsive Whiner with your first posts here,
> > > > and you have (unfortunately) not disappointed.
> > > > 
> > > > I consider it a real pity that someone with a 
> > > > mind as potentially sharp as yours can't get
> > > > past her scars from the past to some kind of
> > > > balance in the present. I have challenged you
> > > > in the past here to do one simple thing -- some-
> > > > thing that should be a breeze for someone who
> > > > considers herself as smart as you obviously
> > > > consider yourself -- write something positive.
> > > > 
> > > > One post. One in which there is zero negation
> > > > or putdown of something you don't like, only a
> > > > presentation of something you *do* like and
> > > > that you think might be valuable for other folks. 
> > > > One post in which you are *for* something, not 
> > > > merely *against*. You have proven yourself 
> > > > incapable of performing this simple task. As
> > > > I suggested when I proposed the challenge, I
> > > > honestly don't think you *can* any more. 
> > > > 
> > > > If (a big if) you ever write the book you claim
> > > > to be writing, I'm sure there will be a large
> > > > and profitable market for it. But you should
> > > > know that when it hits Santa Fe, the owners
> > > > of the best bookstore in town will take one 
> > > > look at it and put it on the shelf in the section
> > > > of the store clearly labeled, WHINERS.
> > > > 
> > > > Really. The owner and the employees of the store
> > > > originally labeled this section CRITICISM, but
> > > > after noticing the tone, the content, and the
> > > > consistent "me-fixation" of the authors, they
> > > > ordered a new sign and called the section 
> > > > WHINERS. The patrons of the store, even the ones
> > > > who browse there, love it. It captures the tone
> > > > and the mindset of the books stocked there.
> > > > 
> > > > The thing that *all* of the books in the section 
> > > > have in common, no matter which spiritual trip
> > > > or psychiatric practice or self-help technique 
> > > > they're ragging on, is that they are only negative. 
> > > > There isn't an ounce of positive suggestion for 
> > > > something *else* to do within a one of them. 
> > > > They're just someone whining about what's *wrong* 
> > > > with all these trips. 
> > > > 
> > > > It's EASY to criticize. I do it myself from time
> > > > to time, and know just how easy it is, especially 
> > > > with easy targets like the TM movement. But there 
> > > > is neither any creativity nor balance in *only* 
> > > > criticizing. To achieve balance, one has to get 
> > > > *past* the ego-hurt and be able to accept the 
> > > > good things that came along with the bad ones. 
> > > > And to achieve any measure of creativity, one has 
> > > > to be able to propose something *else*, something 
> > > > that could actually *help* someone else, something 
> > > > they might consider doing *instead* of the thing 
> > > > being criticized/whined about.
> > > > 
> > > > So far, you have proved yourself incapable of
> > > > getting to this Next Step. I resubmit my challenge.
> > > > Since you clearly intend to hang around here and
> > > > post your whining, *supplement* it from time to
> > > > time with some creative suggestions of your own
> > > > for something *else* one could do. These supple-
> > > > mental posts should contain *no* negation ("What
> > > > I recommend is that one *not* do X."). 
> > > > 
> > > > Give it a try. It's a lot more difficult to write
> > > > shit like that than it is to whine. So far you've
> > > > been taking the EASY (and intellectually LAZY) path,
> > > > and not only have you been taking that path, you've
> > > > been demanding that people *admire* you for taking
> > > > that path. I don't.
> > > > 
> > > > The day you can transcend the EASY path and propose
> > > > a completely positive *alternative* to that which
> > > > you criticize, on that day you have my respect. 
> > > > Not until.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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