Hughes wrote:
> I hope you read the "Blind Watchmaker" it changed my life in that it 
> opened my eyes to something thats going on in the world that people 
> think they know about but don't really. It's not about conspiracies 
> or anything like that, it's simply a book about how life got to be so 
> complicated without any help, it's both awesome and humbling. I 
> recommend it because it's an object lesson in how to marshall 
> evidence, construct an argument and demonstrate when your opponents 
> are wrong and why. Mr Icke could do with reading it as it grounds you 
> in respect for the process of science as opposed to wild theorising. 
> It makes you see the world differently.

Bronte writes:
I think being scientific is so important in research of any kind: 
documentation is essential. When I read "he said she said," I get 
disgusted. That is no more than gossip. Nothing to build knowledge on. 
I do, however, find Icke documenting most (not all) of his information. 
I've actually written him complaining that he ought to do it more, but 
like most of us -- me included -- he gets carried away by his feelings 
sometimes and goes on little tirades. Definitely not scientific, and 
you are good to call us all on it when we do it. 

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