Er, Hugh, sorry to suggest, but maybe you were being compared to Fox
News -- what with their fair and balanced reporting.

Hell with balanced, people.  How'sbout we take a stand and start some
propaganda too. You know, let's balance and make fair the tsunami of
war cries being heard from every media outlet.

Here I'll kickstart this.  

Let's all start swift-Borat-ing disinformation everywhere.  

Here's some stories just waiting for mass consumption:

1.  The CIA was behind the Oprah school scandal.  Condolezza found a
way to pepper the faculty with operatives from her private guard -- a
 secret battalion of genetically altered lezzies with the "heart gene"

2.  It's common knowledge that the military superiors of Dubya are all
millionaires today from taking the bribes for creating the paperwork
to make it seem like GeorgieBoy could, you know, fly a plane.  

3.  Cheney's shotgunning actually hit two people, and he killed
another member of the hunting party who was the group's "butler who
carried their guns."  He's buried out there under a brush pile -- one
of the very brush piles DumbYuck is always seen creating on his ranch
cuz he's such a goi donchaknow.  The butler's widow is a millionaire now.

4.  The Internet's still-free-to-report-the-truth blogosphere is the
true White Knight of the world, and because of it, over half the kids
under 30 in Iran cannot get enough Levi jeans, Jay-Z, and booze-fests.
 They think the values of their parents are poopy.  They're already
Americans!  See?  Given another few years they will be banning the
burka and watching TV shows like "Clit Nation," "Iranian Idol," "Ugly
Yentl," "Dancing with the Sufis," and "Dirty Sexy Mullahs."

5.  Rush Limbaugh has "kill" and "hate" tattooed under his man boobs.

6.  Rudy Giuliani is having an affair with Ann Coulter -- each having
an addiction to rubber costumes.

7.  Turq left France because of, you know, his lisp.


--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "hugheshugo"
> <richardhughes103@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> > <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > >
> > >  "hugheshugo" <richardhughes103@>
> > > 
> > > My choice:  Most fair/balanced voice on FFL.
> >
> > 
> > Aww shucks, I don't know what to say..
> That's part of why Lurk said what he did. Unlike
> many here, when you find yourself not knowing 
> what to say, you don't say anything. Others feel
> compelled to say something *anyway*. All the 
> difference in the world.  :-)

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