> nabulous wrote:
> I know this fellow rather well. The video is shocking
> as he displays a foolishness and lack of sensitivity
> I thought impossible.

this Raja of Germany certainly displays how these "Rajas"
do not live up to what they are supposed to be; 

instead they reveal how "the emperor has no clothes" 
even in the domain of consciousness!

Here is a snip from MMY on what a Raja is supposed to be:

"The Rajas have the proud privilege of having practised 
Maharishi's Vedic Technologies of Consciousness for many years, 
and have come to that level where they can produce cosmic effects
 -- not through the localized sense of speech but from 
the unlocalized field of cosmic intelligence." 

well, this raja got it half right: he refrained from giving any 
cosmic effect via the local level of speech!

role models of enlightened rulership?
or, just a fraud and big disappointment

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