TurquoiseB wrote:
> I'm not sure which is more disturbing -- the fact
> that David Lynch can't see how insane Maharishi
> and the Rajas are, or that they can't see how 
> insane Lynch is. Talk about codependency.
> At any rate, as one of the folks in the audience
> said, it's theater. And even Bad Theater can be
> entertaining if you just go with it.  :-)
> Almost as entertaining as Fairfield Life itself
> these days. It's like watching the outtakes of 
> One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
> But by my count that's 35 for me, so I'm going 
> to be a lurker at the asylum until tomorrow.
> Carry on, and don't spill any ghee on your nice
> clean straight jackets. Nurse Ratched doesn't
> like that.  :-)
Must be the cigarettes he smokes while preparing his sodium laden 
quinoa. :)

Be sure to look at those extras on the Inland Empire disk.  I like where 
he is telling the crew member they are going to have to help him get off 
drugs (like the guy probably only got drunk the night before and had a 
hangover) and teach him meditation.

David, you can save a lot of money by sponsoring less expensive 
meditation techniques and use that money to make more films though I do 
realize filmmakers often don't use their own money to make films.  It's 
considered a bad idea.  Better idea why don't you get the TMO to back 
your films.  Probably a better use of their money anyway. :D :D :D

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