--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
> > choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite convincing 
> > and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby 
> > carriage, how disarming is that! 
> > 
> > Lurk:
> > How does that work. I love a good story. Wait, let me pull up a 
> > chair.  Okay, ready.
> Black guys approaches me on H street in DC up the street from the old
> College of Natural Law.  He tells me his Navy ship just pulled into
> Baltimore Harbor that day and he had a 24 hour leave.  He reached in
> his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, bigger than a softball,
> waves it in front of me and tells me that with only 24 hours he needs
> a local to help him find a hooker.  And he tells me that he is willing
>  to part with a chunk of that big wad to the guy who helps him find a
> girl, been on the ship for 6 months and all and ready to ship out for
> another 3 the next day.  His eyes are  clear and sincere, he holds my
> gaze without flinching.  I like him almost instantly, he is radiating
> familiarity like I went to school with him or something.  He needs my
> help in the worst way if I would only show a little compassion for a
> sailor in need, serving his country and in need of a little pussy for
> one night, hell the drinks are on him, we can all party together he
> has so much money to burn he doesn't care if he lays a few hundred on
> me he'll buy me a girl too if I want and where is he going to spend
> money in the middle of the ocean on a US Navy ship and can't I help a
> brother in need for God's sake, he only has one night...
> I start to back off and tell him that he doesn't need my help in the
> Capital city.  He will do fine on his own.  Just then a woman rolls up
> with a baby in a baby carriage, kinda blocks me in with it and joins
> the conversation.  She tells me that we shouldn't miss this chance to
> work a deal and that she knows some Howard University college girls
> who turn tricks on the side.  She needs my help cuz she has this baby
> see, and we can both make a bunch of money in such a short time,
> yessereeeeeee we would be fools to pass up a chance to make a few
> hundred dollars for almost no work at all, if I wont take the free
> money she certainly will, she is no fool...
> I realize that my ass is now in a sling with two people who wish me
> harm and who knows who else in the wings, so I briskly walk away
> cutting across moving traffic to get the F out of Dodge.
> It was only later that I contemplated whether I saw a man pull out a
> huge wad of bills or a man pulling out a few bills on the outside of a
> partial roll of toilet paper.  Greed was the hook, and I didn't take
> the bait.  But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now if
> someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 
> Then I give them the time.  I never take for granted the power of more
> than one person with me in their sights. 
> Thanks for asking Lurk.  I hope it did not disappoint.
> > 
> > > >  
> > > >      
> > > >                                
> > > > 
> > > >  Send instant messages to your online friends
> > > http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com
> > > >
> > >
> >

 Curtis, your story brought the idea that canine companionship might offer 
benefits when you're meeting the public - 1 )  security - lots of bad guys 
won't tangle with 
a dog.   2.) a cute dog can be a magnet to draw people closer.  May you move 

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