Curtis, your story brought the idea that canine companionship might
offer multiple
benefits when you're meeting the public - 1 ) security - lots of bad
guys won't tangle with a dog. 2.) a cute dog can be a magnet to draw
people closer. May you move safely......

Thanks Main!  Actually the DC tough guys often have pit bulls or
Rottweilers now so I don't know what I could have to keep up.  I got
chased by one manhy years ago when I was doing some mortgage business
in the DC ghetto.  The dog was so big it made me wish it was a person
chasing me!  I think he was very curious to try white meat, I doubt he
had ever seen a white person before!  Yummm!  I've heard the that
hardasses in London have taken to walking around with large monkeys!
Being more of a "cat person" (pussy jokes unwelcome) I'm just gunna 
get me a tiger and own those streets!

The homeland security emphasis has taken so many cops off the streets
that DC is getting pretty tough again after years of being much lower
crime.  Since I walk around with a lot of expensive musical gear for
shows, I always read the crime reports in the areas where I play. 
Lately the personal armed robberies are much higher.  The combo of me
after a gig, late at night, walking to my car with expensive guitars,
is a nasty mix.  Lately I've been sticking to the suburban clubs till
DC can get things back under control.  But I still love the city and
haven't had much trouble through the years.  I'm a big fan of Haul-ass
Jiu jitsu when I see any trouble going down!

--- In, "mainstream20016"
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "lurkernomore20002000"
> > <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > >
> > > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > I have had a team of street hustlers in DC approach me in a
> > > choreographed sequence, contrived spontaneity.  It is quite
> > > and dangerous.  One lady in the group was pushing a baby in a baby 
> > > carriage, how disarming is that! 
> > > 
> > > Lurk:
> > > How does that work. I love a good story. Wait, let me pull up a 
> > > chair.  Okay, ready.
> > 
> > Black guys approaches me on H street in DC up the street from the old
> > College of Natural Law.  He tells me his Navy ship just pulled into
> > Baltimore Harbor that day and he had a 24 hour leave.  He reached in
> > his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, bigger than a softball,
> > waves it in front of me and tells me that with only 24 hours he needs
> > a local to help him find a hooker.  And he tells me that he is willing
> >  to part with a chunk of that big wad to the guy who helps him find a
> > girl, been on the ship for 6 months and all and ready to ship out for
> > another 3 the next day.  His eyes are  clear and sincere, he holds my
> > gaze without flinching.  I like him almost instantly, he is radiating
> > familiarity like I went to school with him or something.  He needs my
> > help in the worst way if I would only show a little compassion for a
> > sailor in need, serving his country and in need of a little pussy for
> > one night, hell the drinks are on him, we can all party together he
> > has so much money to burn he doesn't care if he lays a few hundred on
> > me he'll buy me a girl too if I want and where is he going to spend
> > money in the middle of the ocean on a US Navy ship and can't I help a
> > brother in need for God's sake, he only has one night...
> > 
> > I start to back off and tell him that he doesn't need my help in the
> > Capital city.  He will do fine on his own.  Just then a woman rolls up
> > with a baby in a baby carriage, kinda blocks me in with it and joins
> > the conversation.  She tells me that we shouldn't miss this chance to
> > work a deal and that she knows some Howard University college girls
> > who turn tricks on the side.  She needs my help cuz she has this baby
> > see, and we can both make a bunch of money in such a short time,
> > yessereeeeeee we would be fools to pass up a chance to make a few
> > hundred dollars for almost no work at all, if I wont take the free
> > money she certainly will, she is no fool...
> > 
> > I realize that my ass is now in a sling with two people who wish me
> > harm and who knows who else in the wings, so I briskly walk away
> > cutting across moving traffic to get the F out of Dodge.
> > 
> > It was only later that I contemplated whether I saw a man pull out a
> > huge wad of bills or a man pulling out a few bills on the outside of a
> > partial roll of toilet paper.  Greed was the hook, and I didn't take
> > the bait.  But I learned a nice little lesson for the street.  Now if
> > someone asks me for the time, I step back first and look around me. 
> > Then I give them the time.  I never take for granted the power of more
> > than one person with me in their sights. 
> > 
> > Thanks for asking Lurk.  I hope it did not disappoint.
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > > >  
> > > > >      
> > > > >                                
> > > > > 
> > > > >  Send instant messages to your online friends
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
>  Curtis, your story brought the idea that canine companionship might
offer multiple 
> benefits when you're meeting the public - 1 )  security - lots of
bad guys won't tangle with 
> a dog.   2.) a cute dog can be a magnet to draw people closer.  May
you move safely......

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