TurquoiseB wrote:
> It's like Lucy sweetly inviting Charley Brown
> to kick the football. 
> What sane person would believe that Lucy is
> really going to hold the football for him this
> time, when for *years* it's always been a 
> "setup" for someone intent on making him look 
> stupid?
> Same with Judy's intent. It's pretty much a 
> GIVEN. One doesn't need to know the specifics
> of it, because as she herself said, the subtle
> *intent* of her "setups" come through loud 
> and clear in the written language, just as it
> would in verbal language. Just as no one sane 
> would believe that Lucy really wants Charley 
> Brown to kick the football, no matter how 
> sweetly she tried to disguise the intent 
> behind the invitation, no one sane who has 
> watched Judy's style over the years would 
> believe that she really wants a real conver-
> sation when she pretends to be asking for one. 
> She's just setting the victim up for another of
> her attempts at either belittling them or
> putting them down or casting doubt on their
> integrity. 
That's funny, I was thinking what a "fussbudget"  Judy is becoming these 
days (some would say she's always been one) and Schultz himself 
characterized Lucy as a "fussbudget."  :)

So Judy, do you really want to be perceived as a "fussbudget?"  :D

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