> You do not have a point of view, you have an inexperienced bullshit 
> claim.

Actually it is your bullshit claim I am challenging with video
evidence.  You are using bluff and bluster instead of providing any.

> Bwa ha ha ha. They break blocks>

So I'm guessing you flunked physics then huh?  Ever notice that they
never stack multiple blocks together, there is always space between
each on? Wanna know why?  I used to break blocks as a kid.  It is only
mentally hard the first time before you figure out that physics is
with you.  Breaking blocks.  Give me a break!

Since you have discounted all fighting arts like Muay Thai, boxing,
kick boxing and mixed martial arts and have an unshakable faith in the
untested claims of Shotokan (because really finding out would be
stupid right?)  I think we are done here.  Your lack of acknowledging
that the fighter you posted as using a Shotokan kick was actually a
professional kick boxer, was the last straw for me. You are the reason
Bruce Lee used to ridicule the attitude of traditional martial arts. 


> Bwa ha ha ha. They break blocks, and a Mawashigiri kick would break
> your ribs or stop your heart or collapse your stomache. Only idiots
> use force in a comepition.

Oh really like boxers, kick boxers, Muay Thai fighters, and MMA
fighters.  They are ALL idiots?  Well I guess you told them big shot.
Mawashigiri kick no less!  Good for kicking the air at your special
outfit meetings while you talk about magically tough you are!

 You are an idiot to think that you can use
> full force in competition. Total bullshit based on total lack of
> experience. You and Barry are entirely inexperienced of you believe
> you can go around striking people hard. Hit someone hard with a 2 by
> 4 and see what happens. You're an idiot.
> > So where is the evidence of such a claim being true besides you
> > asserting it?  There are plenty of fighting sport where people get
> > knocked out. >>
> That is very dangerous and stupid.
> People get killed or brain-dead with that.
> VERY VERY STUPID and needless to prove skill and power.
> Only stupid people do that, and stupid people think it prooves
> something. Knocking people out or caving their face in, is idiotic
> and stupid and is for children who don't understand martial arts or
> the destructive power of having your ribs broken by a karate kick.
> OffWorld

> > 
> > <He is not ALLOWED to knock people out.>
> > 
> > So you have never seen a Shotokan fighter knock someone out?  This
> > means you have no evidence for your claim about how powerful it is. 
> >>
> Bwa ha ha ha. They break blocks, and a Mawashigiri kick would break 
> your ribs or stop your heart or collapse your stomache. Only idiots 
> use force in a comepition. You are an idiot to think that you can use 
> full force in competition. Total bullshit based on total lack of 
> experience. You and Barry are entirely inexperienced of you believe 
> you can go around striking people hard. Hit someone hard with a 2 by 
> 4 and see what happens. You're an idiot.
> > So where is the evidence of such a claim being true besides you
> > asserting it?  There are plenty of fighting sport where people get
> > knocked out. >>
> That is very dangerous and stupid. 
> People get killed or brain-dead with that. 
> VERY VERY STUPID and needless to prove skill and power. 
> Only stupid people do that, and stupid people think it prooves 
> something. Knocking people out or caving their face in, is idiotic 
> and stupid and is for children who don't understand martial arts or 
> the destructive power of having your ribs broken by a karate kick.
> OffWorld

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