--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 

> Actually it is your bullshit claim I am challenging with video
> evidence. >>

Lol !
You don't even understand what you are seeing half the time. You 
don't know what force is and you don't know what pulling back a 
strike is. You are inexperienced in this.

 You are using bluff and bluster instead of providing any.
> > Bwa ha ha ha. They break blocks>
> So I'm guessing you flunked physics then huh?  Ever notice that they
> never stack multiple blocks together, there is always space between
> each on? Wanna know why?  I used to break blocks as a kid.>>

Idiot. I am not an expert and I will EASILY break solid planks with a 
bare foot (don't try it, you will hurt yourself). Even I could easily 
break ribs or a jaw or an ankle, and I am not a fully trained expert. 
Your an idiot if you are asking me to kick you hard in the stomach. 
What a complete fool !

You argue about things from a position of absolute ignorance and 
stupidity. It is the same with your other arguments on other topics. 
You cannot even see simple logic because all you want is your 
pathetic and unfounded childish argument. 

> Since you have discounted all fighting arts like Muay Thai, boxing,
> kick boxing and mixed martial arts >>

Bullshit. You are lying again. I never once discounted those, you 
lying sack.

and have an unshakable faith in the
> untested claims of Shotokan (because really finding out would be
> stupid right?)  I think we are done here.  Your lack of 
> that the fighter you posted as using a Shotokan kick was actually a
> professional kick boxer,>>

This again shows your absolute naivity on the topic. 
The kick used is used in many styles as I said before, and would be 
VERY powerful from a Shotokan expert. I even said to you that the guy 
used the kick in an unethical and VERY dangerous way that shows his 
lack of professionalism and inexperience of the true danger of such a 
thing. That is the trouble with kick boxing, they are not properly 
trained and will KILL people if they are not more careful, and will 
bring a bad name to martial arts (as Judy's recent post showed). VERY 
VERY stupid, and you show your inexperience in martial arts once 

> > Bwa ha ha ha. They break blocks, and a Mawashigiri kick would 
> > your ribs or stop your heart or collapse your stomache. Only 
> > use force in a comepition.
> Oh really like boxers, kick boxers, Muay Thai fighters, and MMA
> fighters.  They are ALL idiots?  >>

Yes they are you, they don't know what they are doing. If their kicks 
are not held back so as not to injure or kill someone, then they are 
idiots like you. If they use the full force a shotokan expert can use 
they would kill someone. So the smart ones (whatever style) are not 
using full force, while the idiot ones are using full force but 
cannot muster as much force as their expert counterparts. If you 
think experts in any of these styles would use full force after 
everything I have explained to your thick skull , then you are just 
showing your inexperience in martial arts.

If you want proof, you will have to allow a Shotokan expert to kick 
you hard in the ribs you. If you think any Shotokan expert in a 
competition is going to do that you are an idiot. It is easy to break 
ribs with a kick, break a jaw, collapse an organ, break your knees or 
ankles, or smash your nose in. If you do not block it...you are done. 

The Shotokan experts deliberatley use MINIMUM force in a strike, with 
ABSOLUTE expertise in application. 

You and your UFC goons are too dumb to know that that is the only 
way, otherwise people get killed - like the example Judy posted.

Your intransigence in the face of obvious logic on this and other 
topics is due to your brain-death which reminds of the 
fundamentalists like George Bush. You really think a hard kick in the 
jaw or balls or knees cannot imobalise or injure you?...and the next 
kick devastates you. You are TOTALLY inexperienced in this topic.


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