In a message dated 12/16/07 8:02:55 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Didn't I read in a post just a few days ago that you found some  X
> president's accusation that 911 was an inside to be  quite plausible
and you had 
> no reason to doubt it? 

Reading  comprehension is all important, bwana. You're apparently
skipped over where  I said *if* it was true, then..."

By the way, what exactly was in that  PDB that would 
> have tipped the President off that 19 Hijackers were  going to
Hijack those 
> flights and attack those specific targets on  that day and at that 

Lacking those specific details doesn't  justify ignoring it. The Bush
administration refused to pay any attention  to the briefings from Bill
Clinton on Bin Laden given to Condi Rice, the  intelligence agencies
who were compiling the evidence on Bin Laden and  terrorism, and
neither George Tenet [CIA Director at the time] or Richard  Clark
[White House counterterrorism official at the time]


Well, am I lying when I said that you said the x Italian president's  
accusations were very plausible and you had no reason to doubt them? To me, 
means you believe his comments and accusations, that 911 was an inside job. But 
now you say you don't believe it was an inside job since it would be easier to 
 smear Bush by saying he didn't take the PDB more seriously. By the way,  
what makes you think he ignored the PDB? All information was passed onto  the 

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