--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:

> >> Your blaming this on the FBI?  LOL!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> No, that must be your paranoid imagination, again. I, unlike you, am
> >>     
> > not  
> >   
> >> blaming anybody except the terrorists. I'm saying without specific 
> >>     
> > information 
> >   
> >> there wasn't anything he could do about a threat except hand it over
> >>     
> >  to the 
> >   
> >> FBI. Can you imagine the field day your ilk would have had if Bush
> >>     
> > had  put in 
> >   
> >> place all the screening we have today at airports before 911? The
> >>     
> > cries  of 
> >   
> >> fascism would have been deafening and had they worked and prevented
> >>     
> > an  attack, 
> >   
> >> you would never have believed there was one planned in the first
> >>     
> > place  and it 
> >   
> >> was prevented.
> >>     
> >
> >
> > You've ignored what I wrote. You've surely ignored the obvious facts
> > that are out there and you can only make excuses for your pal Bush and
> > his incompetent criminal crew. There's no getting through to you. It's
> > like talking to to a mannequin. 
> >
> > Maybe you also ignore polls.  Fortunately for the USA, willfully blind
> > right wing ideologues like you are really in a fast dwindling small
> > minority. 
> Either that or he's doesn't believe in anything he posts as he's just 
> having fun jerking strings around here.  Why do I think that?  Well, I 
> think that he favored Mitt Romney says a lot and almost suggests
that he 
> picks points of view guaranteed to push liberal buttons.
> What he says above about screenings is really ludicrous and looks 
> patently to be provocative rather than insightful.  And what 
> terrorists?  Anti-abortion terrorists have been more problematic than 
> any possible Islamic terrorists in this country.  

You very well may be right, Bhairitu. Actually Dixon reminds me of
George "macaca" Allen (R-VA) who lost his ass against Jim Webb in the
last Senate race:

See video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r90z0PMnKwI

 What we have in the 
> US with Muslims is their teenage kid gets "religion" and decides to 
> wander off much to his folks chagrin to some terrorist camp in the 
> Middle East, decides it's a drag and returns home not wanting to have 
> anything to do with terrorism and maybe even Islam.  But the FBI
> they can make an example of him and coerce him (or his folks) into 
> falsely admitting to be terrorists.

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