--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<<snipyou anti-science nuts here on FFL, that 
> > cannot bring themselves to make that statement. 
> >
> > This has nothing to do with TM, this has to do with the future of 
> > science and humankind which is threatened by you people's anti-
> > science fundamentalism -- Curt, Turq, Lurk, Vaj, Sal, Larry, 
> > Peter, Boo, and others.
> >
> > OffWorld

> Lay off the egg nog!  >>


<<You still haven't answered my question as to what 
> you teach at college. >>

Graphic Design

< Surely not a science as you speak like someone 
> who isn't a scientist.  >>

Another typical strawman you are attempting, that if you don't have a 
Phd in physics and have worked in science research for 25 years you 
can have nothing to say on it. Is that what you are saying about 
yourself? You are trying to create another strawman, but you do not 
have a Phd physics and worked in research for 25 years either. Your 
strawman failed. End of story.

I don't go by scientists opinions since they are often worng if they 
are not based on research published in respected peer-reviewed 
scientific journals. History shows this.

<<Real scientists know that we've only scratched 
> the surface of knowledge and have a long way to go.  >>

That is why I only go by research published in resepected peer-
reviewed scientific journals, not personal scientists opinions. 

Bhairitu...are you actually saying that the experienced scientists 
who have worked in the field for decades and believe in creationism 
and a 6,000 year old earth are right? Your argument is absurd.

You are missing the point, due to a poorly developed rational 
ability. You STILL refuse to say that the 21st century will be about 
research published in resepected peer-reviewed scientific journals, 
instead you want to avoid stating that because you, like Ted 
Haggard , George Bush, the Taliban and the 15th century Catholic 
church want to ignore science and apply your own anti-science 
fundamentalist approach.

You people are so weak and afraid to state such a simple thing.
It has nothing to do with TM, but you are SOOOOOOooooooo AFRAID to 
say this simple thing: "The 21st century will be about research 
published in resepected peer-reviewed scientific journals"

These are typical traits of an anti-science fundamentalists such as 
Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Ted Haggard, George Bush, Osama Bin 
Laden, Billy Graham, Fox News, The Pope, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Rielly 
and... Curt, Turq, Lurk, Vaj, Sal, Larry, Shemp, Peter, Boo, 
Bhairitu, and others.

PREDICTION: Their next move will be to try to prove their point with 
a peer-reviewed study, after insisting such thing are not valid !
Lol !....what a bunch of jokers.

The 21st century will be about research published in resepected peer-
reviewed scientific journals.
Get used to it.

You loose.


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