off_world_beings wrote:
> That is fairly common in science, and that is why the rigor aspect 
> needs to be constantly refined, and a lot of the TM research was 
> found be more robust than most studies in any science. But I am sad 
> to hear you say that you are throwing out ALL of modern science 
> because it doesn't suit your opinion. On that idea are fascist states 
> born.
> I won't go down that road. 
> THE ONLY (I stress, THE ONLY) way for people to agree on things in 
> the world are through study and replication under validated 
> conditions. A LOT of the most important research on TM is robust, and 
> only anti-science freaks bring up the argument that if 1 in 10 of 
> them is not strong, then they are, by default , ALL of them weak.  
> That is the way of the Neocons and I am appalled to see so many 
> people here on FFL, like Boo, Ru, Poo, Lurk, Turq, Smirk, Jurk, Curt, 
> and Burt, all acting EXACTLY like the Neocons when something in 
> science does not suit their opinion.
> I am appalled.
> OffWorld
Okay, show me the peer-reviewed studies with tests between say: TM, SYDA 
Yoga, Sivananda Meditation, Vipassana, etc., etc.  Those to my knowledge 
don't exist because TM would never allow it and neither would some of 
the others.   What would you find: that TM is no better than any other 

BTW, what do you teach?  One of the liberal arts?

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