Thanks, Angela. for the lovely description.

--- In, Angela Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> What did angels look like? 
> Different every time.  The first
> time I saw the phenomenon I can’t but call “angel,” I was fifteen years
> old.  I’d rigged a large coffee can and a
> Bunsen burner in the garage to make a small kiln and was enameling on
> copper.  I like translucent enamels best,
> but if you want to do cool blues and greens, you can’t really get that 
> effect
> on copper even if you put down a layer of flux first.  So I remembered that 
> my mom 
(who was at work
> killing dogs), had some small, sixteenth century silver platesâ€"perfect for 
> cool
> blues and greens.   
> The trouble was that sixteenth century silver is so pure
> that it melted in my kiln.  Just before
> it flowed into the bottom of the coffee can, it was incandescent liquid, yet
> still held its form.  In that moment, it
> came alive and indistinct from me, and while I still saw it as an 
> “external”
> object, its center and mine were one, and from that center exploded a sound 
> like
> a thousand silver bells.  That sound
> expanded from my center, which was the silver, like ring-shaped waves in 
> water (which 
was I)
> spread out to infinity, repeating again and again.  The pleasure of those 
> expanding â
> was intense, all-consuming beyond imagining, and filled all my senses.
> With the experience came knowledge, not separate in words,
> but part and parcel of the experience itself, though to communicate it, I have
> to translate into words.  I knew I saw
> the angel that makes silver.  It is not
> the case that the angel is one thing and silver is another.  The angel showed 
> me how he 
creates himself as
> silver.  I knew the process to be sacred
> and saw that silver is not just silver but intelligence making itself into 
> form.  I saw it 
emerge from a sacred ground of
> nothing which was nothing, yet intelligent. 
> I was an atheist at the time, so this was not something I was inclined
> to add to the experience; the knowledge, as I said, was part of the 
> experience.
> Since then, I have had that kind of experience often, but it
> is different each time in that the angel of silver has appeared only once.  
> But I have seen 
the angel of winter
> wheat and the angel of purple cabbages, just for example--the world looks as 
> if made 
of translucent light in such moments. 
> I can see how, given experiences like that, we might be
> tempted to say that “creation” or the “universe” or “multiverse” 
> or 
> you want to call it emerges from a field of pure consciousness, but I stand 
> with
> Curtis: Such experience is not evidence that the absolute vacuum state of the
> quantum field is identical with pure consciousness, though it might be 
> evidence
> that the human mind is more mysterious than psychologists have fathomed.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: wayback71 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 11:12:21 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Maharishi Effect" Quantum-Failure Essay
>             --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Angela Mailander 
> <mailander111@ ...> 
> >
> > Personal experience however subtle does not by itself count as evidence.  
> > It might 
> satisfy you to see what you see.  I have seen what I can only call angels, 
> but does that 
> mean angels exist?  While the experience is groovy to the max, I wouldn't 
> call it 
> Some folks might be tempted to call it evidence that I'm nuts.  And, no, they 
> didn't look 
> like people and they didn't have wings.
> What did they look like?
> > 
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Vaj <vajranatha@ ...>
> > To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 7:43:35 AM
> > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Maharishi Effect" Quantum-Failure Essay
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> >     
> >             
> > 
> > On Dec 29, 2007, at 8:18 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:
> > 
> > omments interleaved below.
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Vaj <vajranatha@ ...> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > On Dec 28, 2007, at 11:33 AM, Patrick Gillam wrote:
> > > 
> > > > I'm curious - how many people here believe
> > > > consciousness is the fundamental substrate
> > > > of creation? If you do, what evidence do you
> > > > put forth to back up your belief?
> > > 
> > > While I would agree that consciousness, the alaya-vijnana, is the 
> > > basic substrate-conscious ness, my answer changes when you add "of 
> > > creation". By "of creation" I take that to mean the physical universe. 
> > > Once we include the universe as a physical object and seek to identify 
> > > or intuit a unifying substrate that transcends AND includes 
> > > materiality it becomes a different answer. 
> > 
> > I'm asking for viewpoints on Maharishi's teaching 
> > that physical creation arises out of undifferentiated 
> > consciousness. So yes, I'm wondering about a 
> > substrate that transcends and includes materiality.
> > 
> > Well then that would be like the "consciousness only" school where 
> > consciousness is 
> creator.
> > 
> > > From any "whole" that 
> > > includes materiality I'd be forced to say prana is the unifying field 
> > > interconnecting all of these (consciousness( es) and materials), this 
> > > and akasha or fundamental Space. The reason I include Space is with a 
> > > material object you need at least space. If that Space contains 
> > > evolutionary activity, that Space requires Time. By "Time" I mean "Big 
> > > Time" or "macrocosmic time".
> > 
> > Seems to me that Space would arise out of 
> > the substrate as well. And isn't prana a "relative" 
> > phenomenon, to use Maharishi's phrasing, and 
> > hence something that would be created from
> > an unmanifest, transcendent reality, as well?
> > 
> > In some ways-of-seeing, it is a subtle prana that is the sole support for 
> > an individual 
> between existences. The same applies to universes. But even in yogic creation 
> theory 
> "power of the mirror", the vimarsha-shakti, is the power that allows infinite 
> recursion to 
> flesh-out the Big Dream.
> > 
> > 
> > > If you ask about the individual consciousness' POV, it's a slightly 
> > > different answer! It also changes if you use a word other than 
> > > "creation". For example, I would prefer 'a network that is 
> > > simultaneously network and node, node and network, instantaneously 
> > > arising out of the sum interplay of a multiverse'. When that's the 
> > > case, I can see and experience directly consciousness as primary. But 
> > > lest we fool ourselves we should also be aware that this also implies 
> > > a yogi would can pass his hand through matter as if it was truly an 
> > > illusion. It's an easy claim to make, few truly and completely live at 
> > > that absolute a level, but they do IME exist. :-)
> > 
> > This is what I'm really interested in - empirical 
> > evidence. Most of us got theory up the yinyang 
> > 30 years ago. By now it seems we'd have lots of 
> > evidence to validate the theory.
> > 
> > I fear I'm dumbing down some fine detail here.
> > 
> > Well one thing these traditions do do, the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, 
> > is tell you in 
> uncertain terms what level of fineness our meditation has to be at for us to 
> have clear 
> insight into the universe. The Hindu yogis point out that perception must be 
> very 
> to even be able to cognize such insight. If you take the shortest syllable 
> that you can 
> (called a "matra") and divide it 600 times, that's the level of subtlety of a 
> mental 
> that a yogi must perceive. This is the level of "microcosmic I-time" that a 
> yogi must 
> in order to perceive the multiverse as part of his or her own direct 
> experience. And I just 
> don't see many meditators who can perceive that finely. Most of what you hear 
> people 
> talking about is projections from conditioning they've acquired, not very 
> fine cognition.
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, if you did have a meditation technique that went that subtle, we would 
> > have all 
> evidence that we need!
> > 
> > 
> > It's one thing to wax philosophical about "the unified field", it's quite 
> > another to truly 
> experience it. In order to do that we need to transcend the basic "refresh 
> rate" of 
> cognition, much like if you could blink fast enough and in the correct 
> timing, you could 
> see that the computer monitor you're using is actually just a sequence of 
> pulses, 
> on a screen or monitor.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for your thoughtful inquiry Patrick!
> > 
> >     
> >   
> > 
> >     
> >     
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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