--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >  They got shakti that is alive in a 
> > way 
> > that by contrast the TMmovement group meditations are only a 
> > forlorn 
> > disheartened hope over what could have been with their movement. 
> > -Doug in FF
> So why on earth don't you join them instead of living like a 
> spiritual vampire sucking energy from the TM meditators in 
> Fairfield ?

Since you've been so gracious as to provide
us your assessment of the people who live in
Fairfield without having anything to do with
what the TM movement has begun, you've kinda
opened the field to questions about what YOU
have done for the TM movement.

So here are a few simple questions about YOUR
experience in the TM movement since you started:

1. How many people have you initiated (*personally*
taught to practice the TM technique)?

2. How many introductory lectures have you given?

3. Assuming the answer to #2 is greater than zero,
how many of those lectures did you pay for yourself
(rental of lecture halls, cost of posters, cost of
advertising if any, cost for security if required, 

4. Approximately how many posters have you put up

5. How many times have you dipped into your personal
savings to pay the rent on a TM center to keep it
open and functioning?

6. How many times have you not *had* any savings to
dip into, and lived on rice and dal (dal if you were
lucky) because keeping the TM center open and being
able to teach TM were more important than eating?

7. How many advanced lectures have you given?

8. How many residence courses have you taught?

I'm asking because in my book THESE are the kinds
of things that *non*-"vampires" do in a spiritual 
movement. To me, the "vampires" are the ones who
pay so that they can sit in a hotel room and round
their brains out for years and never do any of the
WORK of expanding and maintaining an organization,
and then expect to be treated like they're "more
evolved" than the peons who actually DO the work.

I'm betting that you're one of the latter, and 
that you'll blow off the answers to questions 1-8
above, rather than admit that you NEVER did any
of the WORK of being a TM teacher.

And I'm also betting that none of this will sink
in, and you'll KEEP lecturing to people on this
forum who HAVE done all the things above, many 
times and over many years or decades. These people
PAID THEIR DUES, and were rewarded for it a couple
of years ago by being told that they had to pay
big bucks to be "recertified" as teachers again,
and if they didn't, they were persona non grata.

Meanwhile, you sat around on your fat ass thinking
that you're so much more evolved and "on the program"
than the people who actually did the WORK and then,
when they saw how little it and they were appreciated,
moved on.

This is put up or shut up time, Nabby. If you're going
to lecture people who actually DID the work of being
TM teachers for decades, you should post your "cred-
ientials" with regard to that work. 

Otherwise we're likely to get the idea that you're
just an enormous, self-important blowhard...


P.S. Same goes for those who never even *became* TM
teachers and who dare to criticize the anger and
disappointment of those who did the WORK while they 
sat on their fat asses doing NOTHING for the TM move-
ment for decades. 

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