--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> You asked the wrong fellow here Turq; please see answers under each 
> question.
> > Since you've been so gracious as to provide
> > us your assessment of the people who live in
> > Fairfield without having anything to do with
> > what the TM movement has begun, you've kinda
> > opened the field to questions about what YOU
> > have done for the TM movement.
> > 
> > So here are a few simple questions about YOUR
> > experience in the TM movement since you started:
> > 
> > 1. How many people have you initiated (*personally*
> > taught to practice the TM technique)?
> 1250
> > 2. How many introductory lectures have you given?
> Difficult to say, probably arond 300. To many lectures nobody even 
> shoved up, to others those who shoved up did not learn. In other 
> places, like Eastern Europe hundreds would show up and as part of a 
> team I would initiate say 30 persons.
> > 
> > 3. Assuming the answer to #2 is greater than zero,
> > how many of those lectures did you pay for yourself
> > (rental of lecture halls, cost of posters, cost of
> > advertising if any, cost for security if required, 
> > etc.)?
> Between 1994 and 2002 absolutely all of them, 100% paid for by 
> myself, going on and on even though often none came for lectures. 
> > 
> 4. Approximately how many posters have you put up
> > yourself?
> Between 1994 and 2002: about 15000, in rain and hard winters. 
> Singlehandedly posted either by scotch tape or fixed with those small 
> metalpieces (whatever they are called in english)
> 15000 - that is quite a lot of posters my friend.
> > 5. How many times have you dipped into your personal
> > savings to pay the rent on a TM center to keep it
> > open and functioning?
> All of the time - I ran my own operation paying everything myself and 
> initiating in my home.
> > 6. How many times have you not *had* any savings to
> > dip into, and lived on rice and dal (dal if you were
> > lucky) because keeping the TM center open and being
> > able to teach TM were more important than eating?
> As I said, only briefly, in the 70ties was I connected with a Centre. 
> > 
> > 7. How many advanced lectures have you given?
> Difficult to say really, I haven't kept a diary, a few hundred 
> perhaps.
> > 
> > 8. How many residence courses have you taught?
> Almost none, probably only about 10.
> > I'm asking because in my book THESE are the kinds
> > of things that *non*-"vampires" do in a spiritual 
> > movement. To me, the "vampires" are the ones who
> > pay so that they can sit in a hotel room and round
> > their brains out for years
> PS; I did that also for 12 years :-)
>  and never do any of the
> > WORK of expanding and maintaining an organization,
> > and then expect to be treated like they're "more
> > evolved" than the peons who actually DO the work.
> > 
> > I'm betting that you're one of the latter, and 
> > that you'll blow off the answers to questions 1-8
> > above, rather than admit that you NEVER did any
> > of the WORK of being a TM teacher.
> Happy now ?

I'm satisfied with your claims. Whether they
are true or not only you can say, but I bear
in mind that you still believe that you would
be admitted to a TMO flying hall, which means
that you are prepared to lie about your involve-
ment with Benjamin Creme and the other teachers
you are on record here as having seen over the
years. If you're willing to lie about that,
what else?

But if it's true, good for you. It makes you 
a blowhard with experience, as opposed to just
a blowhard.  :-)

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