--so, you're saying that any talk of economics in relation to 
Enlightened people would "demean" the discussion; this in view of the 
questional behavior of such persons in begging for alms and 
(possibly) resorting to dishonest methods to squeeze money out of 
people.  Is that your position?  Interesting fantasy.  You've been 
reading too much Patanjali.  This is the real world.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You 
Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?" 
> In the earliest discoveries and explorations of any realm
> subtler than what one is familiar with, the 'folds' of
> the subtler dimension are, at best, the only perceivable
> by such minds.  As the mind dilates further this
> perception threshold becomes more intrinsic in their
> perspective, less exotic as subtler realms are pursued
> further.  What they are referring to, and what the
> Princeton Egg experiment is rubbing shoulders with is
> indeed the outer folds of the fifth dimension, whereas a
> mind ensconced in the fifth dimension, the realm where
> time is both past, present and future, and future may
> well be witnessed as happening before the past has even
> been conceived.
> When people dream they involve the fifth dimension at
> times, including in the ability to astral travel, to
> witness remote locations, whether asleep or awake, to
> foresee or dream future events and to witness things
> occurring in remote locations beyond the mundane realms
> of their sensual capacities.  At the very least this
> involves greater involvement of the vijanamaya kosa in
> their minds, while often disbelief, usually during waking
> hours or in the community of others, retards their
> capabilities and permissions for those capabilities
> within their conscious attention within the usual realms
> of kamamaya or manaomaya kosas.
> An excellent example of that is a very highly decorated
> soldier who while leading his soldiers in charge he dives
> deeply into an intimate rapport, as he perceives it, with
> the or a great spirit of this universe, delivering his
> sincerity and implicit faith in the moral essence of
> their shared purpose, the deservedness of their actions
> and the certainty of their success.  Having trekked upon
> as many or more missions than any other soldier in the US
> military, he has never lost a soldier in any of those
> engagements, despite all the fighting and challenges
> against lethally competent enemies.  Despite the external
> appearances of specific religiosity, all the soldiers in
> his charge are in awe at Bo Gritz intuitive capabilities
> to both keep them safe and fulfill their missions.
> Each of us have been entrusted with the intuitional
> science exacting the cultivation of each kosa and the
> intimate rapport with the core of this universe,
> transcending one's individuation in this universe and the
> ota yoga relationship to both witness the ubiquity of
> love, dharma, the perpetuity of satyam and the eternity
> of tapah and one's self as the instrument of that tapah
> through every thought, word and deed for the wellbeing of
> all.  This is the result of passing your kundalini
> through your heart and of ensconcing yourself into the
> fifth dimension -- what a magnificent state to be in --
> anything less is an ocean of himsa, an ocean of tamas
> perpetrated by the eternally clueless exhaustive efforts
> of mental masturbation in a sea of vanity surfing.
> "Enlightened person"?  Such stock market challenges are
> part of that same mental masturbation, such values are an
> obscenity to "enlightened" people once they reach such
> thresholds of spiritual excellence.  Why not ask them to
> demonstrate the magnificence of their love -- you'll certainly
> have your answer if you ask the right questions.
>  *When you assume a threshold of being that is expansive
> enough to contain the universe, then the universe is
> within you, accessible in whole along with all its
> talents and charms.  Do not hesitate another moment to
> acknowledge this loving magnanimity within you and
> express this satyam through your service to humanity.*
> **
> *Now that you know this sublime truth,
> the world awaits your advent, now.*
> On 1/10/08, tertonzeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > ---True, but I'm still challenging any Enlightened person to 
> > tomorrow's stock market outcome.  None have taken me up on the
> > challenge (if they're tapping into quantum reality, some 
> > maintain an analogous parallel between certain laws of economics 
> > the laws of QM).
> > On the contrary, recently I received a phone call solicitation 
> > a rep of Andrew Cohen's "Enlightenment Magazine" asking for $$
> > donations.
> > Coming from a guy supposedly a pioneer in "Evolotionary
> > Enlightenment", I told Cohen's rep that there appears to be a gap
> > between what's tacitly proclaimed as the benefits of Enlightenment
> > and actual performance.
> >
> >
> > In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You
> > Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?"
> > <DharmaMitra1@> wrote:
> > >
> > > While "quantum" is usually discussed in realms of physics,
> > meditation gets
> > > us to the quantum realm(s).  Raising the kundalini past the 
> > will
> > > present past, present and future as a tripartite of a singular
> > whole and the
> > > most profound word resonating throughout your being will 
be "NOW!",
> > in your
> > > native language.  From this threshold new paradigms can be 
> > answers
> > > to nearly any question are readily experienced and being in more
> > than one
> > > place at a time is possible, among other progressively more 
> > > capabilities yet to become ubiquitous in human life on Earth.
> > Quantum
> > > Psyche, that's for us, you betcha, by golly, and how!
> > >
> > >  *Tantra Psychology
> > > * http://TantraPsychology.Learn.to 
> > <http://tantrapsychology.learn.to/>
> > >
> > > *They are "educated" who have learned much, remembered much,
> > > and make use of their knowledge in everyday life.
> > > And of these lessons integrated into their life,
> > > moral conscience is the most imperative to learn
> > > and convey to others.
> > > Their virtues give true meaning to education. *
> > >
> > >
> > > On 1/10/08, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  On Jan 10, 2008, at 2:43 AM, off_world_beings wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not 
> > it."
> > > > As quoted in Leadership and the New Science: Discovering 
Order in
> > a
> > > > Chaotic World (1999) by Margaret J. Wheatley, p. 32
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "The notion of complementarity does in no way involve a 
> > from our
> > > > position as detached observers of nature...The essentially new
> > feature in
> > > > the analysis of quantum phenomena is the introduction of a
> > *fundamental
> > > > distinction between the measuring apparatus and the objects 
> > > > investigation*...In our future encounters with reality we 
> > have to
> > > > distinguish between the objective side and the subjective 
> > to make a
> > > > division between the two," (Bohr's ital.)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > -Nils Bohr

  • ... off_world_beings
    • ... Vaj
      • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
        • ... tertonzeno
          • ... ruthsimplicity
          • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
            • ... ruthsimplicity
            • ... matrixmonitor
              • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

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