"suziezuzie" My daughter who attends university told me that when her
  friends come up to her drunk or high, she tells them, "you're high
or stoned, don't waste my time, get yourself in order and then come
back  and we'll talk".


Would your daughter also say that to someone who's tamping down their
emotions with Xanax or other "medical" chemicals?  

A lot of folks use alcohol for medicine that's cheap and works.  Gotta
have some compassion for those who are driven into corners they simply
cannot imagine escaping.  

This isn't Sat Yuga where a sniff a cork would lower one's ability to,
well, smell God.  This is Kali, they say, and I believe it.  With
murderers in high office, with war and the down-trodden on every
continent, nay, in every single country, a brewski after a day fending
off the "wild dogs of the mercantile" might just be a better thing to
do than spending the time investing in egoic angst.  What's better a
numb mind or a roiling mind?  A very hard call for those who do pop a
top.  And the euphoria of alcohol is, if anything, as deep a metaphor
for bliss as life ever will offer to most folks on Earth....surely,
spiritually, we aim at just such a "background feeling of well being,"
 and this, however mis-used according to dogma, can be a "spiritual
lesson" symbolically.  Like tasting honey and thinking that one could
be this pleased in the afterlife not just on the tongue but by every
sense imaginable, just so getting high can serve.  Robert DeRopp wrote
a book called "The Master Game" in which he said that LSD etc.
experiences could "reveal a target" that the sober brain could strive for.

Who here does not have MANY tales of those in their families who
struggle with some form of chemical use?  Those who eat nothing but
industrial pastes, goos, and rainbow colors, could equally be said to
be addicted "users" whose brains are saturated with the toxins allowed
in foods today -- anyone here willing to drink a glass of water with a
teaspoon of MSG dissolved in it?  What does one think when one sees a
55 gallon drum of it in a food factory?  Consult the GRAS list for
where each of us is "compromising one's chemical virginity."

Thank your stars if you do not have life knocking on your door with
the fever of a SWAT team.  In a foxhole, everyone believes in God and
a good stiff drink!  One of my elementary school teachers confessed to
my class, "I smoked while being a soldier in WWII, but everyone did."

Mr. Sendrak, thanks -- that was what I needed then, and just now I got
a chance to use your wisdom.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I always considered alcohol as an apathetic, which when absorbed into 
> the spunge like material of the brain, anesthetizes or numbs the brain 
> cells. The brain has been described as the most complex creation in the 
> universe so does anesthetizing it make sense?. It's true that brain 
> cells well 'wake up' eventually after being anesthetized but over time, 
> they simply die. My brother drank wine with his meals after believing 
> in the horse shit about how good it is for the heart and then quit this 
> ridiculous habit. He told me after being off wine for sometime, that 
> his mind was so clear, he didn't know what to do with himself. The 
> definition of an alcoholic is one who likes to feel dullness at least 
> once a day. My daughter who attends university told me that when her 
> friends come up to her drunk or high, she tells them, "you're high or 
> stoned, don't waste my time, get yourself in order and then come back 
> and we'll talk".

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