--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> > I'm sorry that your body is so out of balance that 
> > it can't handle a glass of wine without becoming dull. 
> > But to believe that this disability makes you "better" 
> > than those who do not have such a limitation? 
> Turq,
> I'm thinking it may be because our brains are not made of a 
> "spunge like material" so it doesn't absorb the alcohol in 
> our brains causing the anesthesia effect that plagues him. 
> In our non "spunge like" brains, the unabsorbed alcohol can 
> get to the brain's "charming repartee" centers where it does 
> the most good!

Last I checked, 'spunge' was a colloquialism 
for ejaculate. I suspect that if one's brain
IS made of spunge, alcohol might make it dull. 
Those of us with regular brains can probably 
skate by with just a light buzz and an apprec-
iation of the smells and flavors of a good
Cabernet.  :-)

The thing is, people on these forums sometimes
forget how WEIRD they are compared to the world
they live in. They believe that a glass of wine
makes them dull and poisons them. Some of them
believe that *ice cream* is bad for them.

If that's how they choose to live their lives,
cool. I have no problem with what they choose
to believe. But when they try to present the
weird things they've chosen to believe as if
believing them makes them BETTER than other
people in the world? Sorry...I'm not buyin' 

All 'me' and no glass 'o wine with a good meal
makes Jack a dull egofuckin'maniac.

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