--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
[I wrote:]
> > This model is designed to make people feel stupid
> > if they're still lacking the realization, as if
> > there were something wrong with them for not
> > having it--e.g., "what should have been obvious,"
> > "IGNORANT of what's been right in his face since
> > the day he was born."
> > It's the very worst kind of elitism, playing with
> > words to exalt oneself and denigrate others.
> When the movement came out with its "mistake of the
> intellect" phrase it kinda struck me this same way.
> Unfortunate choice of words IMO.

Even though the intellect is still "mistaken" in

Even though we couldn't function in the relative
without that "mistake"?

Even though every word out of MMY's mouth is in
the language of the mistaken intellect?

Seems to me it should have exactly the opposite
effect--it explains why we don't automatically
realize we're always already enlightened, why
it isn't our "fault" that we don't realize it.

The intellect's mistake is that it's too smart
for its own good.

That's why we transcend, so that the intellect
shuts up and quits misleading us, so we can
experience Self-referral without getting hung up
in paradox and infinite regress, which is what
Self-referral looks like to the intellect.

(My last post for the week, gang.)

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