---That's why MMY is a "200%" Guru: 100% for Advaita and 100% for (as 
an ideal: Heaven on Earth). But some clarification and discussion 
would be advisable.  Just some thoughts:
1. First, what do we mean by "Heaven on Earth".  We can go all the 
way back to Isaiah for some serious considerations in this matter - 
turning swords into plowshares, etc. This means and end to war and 
the basic New Deal stuff: full employment, a chicked in every pot, a 
car in every garage.
 Healthwise, an end to global diseases; since for example about 
16,000 infants die daily due to malnutrition and the most pernicious 
cause of infant death: tainted water. Although MMY has not mentioned 
these specific problems, the various measures he's come up with (new 
or ancient) are designed to ideally cope with both aspects of life: 
Absolute and relative.  Thus the 200%.
 Although as pointed out by another contributor, MMY's philolsophy is 
pure Advaita Vedanta (Cf. SBAL, BG); there are some major differences 
between his implementation of this and the "Neo-Advaitins".  This 
brings us to the comment below: why not just address the dualistic 
illusion or delusion and zero in on the "I AM"?? (the Self).
 That's the Neo-Advaitin approach - the modern grandparents of this 
being Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj. The proposal in this 
school is that if one addresses the root cause of suffering (the 
ignorance of dualism), then ALL other levels of suffering will 
automatically be nipped in the bud.  But here's the key point:
 Suffering on those levels will supposedly be eradicated among the 
Enlightened, REGARDLESS of what transpires in the relative sense. 
Thus, there's no particular effort to addresss problems "on their own 
  So isn't that MMY's position?  No quite.  SOME of his proposals 
have been designed to address problems "on their own level", for 
example, those RAAM gold coins.
 To conclude, MMY though a proponent of Advaita Vedanta, is not in 
the same school as the Neo-Advaitins; and from his POV, just 
addressing the "I AM" would be insufficient.  More is needed: the 
Maharishi Effect, scientific studies, Yagyas, universities, the whole 
bit.  Neo-Advaitins (examples - Gangaji, Eckart Tolle, Byron Katie, 
etc...) are not into the peripheral stuff; since they believe that 
addressing the root cause of ignorance is sufficient. 
 Ramana Maharshi regarded bodily existence as "excess baggage".
Ultimately, IMO, "Glorification" of the physical body - attaining a 
Rainbow Light Body - would be a more desirable goal than simply 
realizing the Self and dropping the body as "excess baggage". 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Larry" <inmadison@> wrote:
> >
> > Maharishi's model of enlightenment has always puzzled me as well -
> > right from the Intro lecture - really, why should a true Indian 
> > have any concern about World Peace when he should be talking 
> how
> > the world is illusion . . . how the world is as it should be . . .
> > shouldn't we be walking around pondering the "I AM" . . . 
> > 
> > Perhaps this is what made Maharishi so unique - perhaps why he was
> > invited into heaven (should that be the case) - because he cared 
> about
> > the world - because he placed raising world consciousness even 
> > the self-realization of his followers.
> > 
> he also said the world is as you are, so world peace and self-
> realization from that perspective are one and the same.

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