TurquoiseB wrote:
> Are you aware that this is the new policy and that 
> mass deportations now seem to be the order of the 
> day? My friends said that the scene at the airport
> and in the detention cell was like something out 
> of the film "Children Of Men," and that they will 
> never under any circumstances set foot in the UK 
> again. 
In the US there is all kinds of crazy BS.  How many of you know that the 
DHS gave grants to police departments to change their uniforms to 
black?  Apparently this is to make the cops look scarier.  Locally they 
gave older cops early retirement apparently because they tend to be more 
reserved and not so gung ho on enforcement like the new kids they're 
hiring.  Then they're going hog wild with tasering and wary of losing 
those are licking their chops about the new blinding strobe 
flashlights.  Apparently they think that everyone except cops, military, 
politicians and the very rich are terrorists in this country.  Otherwise 
they are equipping for an insurrection that will never come and in the 
meantime waste too much of our taxes.  I think we've given the cops way 
too much power.  I would be interesting in what Marek things about this?

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