This whole surveillance thing has pretty much happened in the last ten
years.  But in the last year, I have just gotten sick about it and had
to divert my mind to something else.  It has become a symbol that
triggers many of my paranoias -- the interment camps being built all
around America, for instance.

Right now, I'm having trouble even thinking about flying anywhere,
because just the other day they found a SPECK of marijuana on some
guy's heel and he's jailed for something that he could have picked up
while walking into the airport, and now they're making it clear that
if you bring a laptop they can make you show them every file on it
which means they can grab your cell phone too and take down a list of
all the folks you talk to.

To me it smacks of the Illuminati creating such "Big Brother Is
Looking" fears that they keep everyone "at home" and afraid to talk to
anyone about anything.  As I've said here several times: who in
today's world would use certain terrorist buzz-words in emails or
online postings without some trepidation that the government listeners
would pick up on it and suddenly there's a knock on the door and your
whole house is ransacked for terrorist-clues?

It is simply and obviously a stifling of free speech and of the right
to assemble and of the right to privacy.  Well, one thing's certain,
the masses are asses and if they ever get fed up with this deal, then
I expect that all the public cameras will be vandalized by those types
who are presently content to write their names with spray paint on
subway cars.  The populous can only take so much, ya know?

But when does that happen?  I'm thinking we have a lot more tamping
down of the masses before any sort of backlash happens.  If only
BushCo had re-instituted the draft -- that would have gotten the youth
up in arms about being forced to be killers of babies for oil.  But
nope, the powers have figured that "slow but steady erosion of rights"
will do the trick to keep the crowds from forming.

Which brings me to Obama and the huge crowds he's gathering.  No other
threat to GlobalBiz can match the fires he's seemingly setting in the
group consciousness, and every time I catch one of his commercials,
all I see is a very very "dangerous" man with tons of raw power to
change things overnight.  GlobalBiz is doing the slow erosion thingie,
and here's this hippy getting everyone believing that they have RIGHTS
again, and that Obama is like Christ Returned At Last to right the
wrongs of all our leaders since First Bush.

The thing about group consciousness is that when a "mob" gets a
notion, it is then out of the hands of the person who put the notion
into the crowd.  Obama might be inspiring folks to think they'll get
such big fast changes that when he takes office he will simply be
unable to fulfill their expectations and he'll look like a foot
dragging, glad handing, back stabbing, colluder with GlobalBiz.

But who am I kidding?  It won't go that far.  Obama's too powerful
right now, and I truly fear for his life.  What's another
assassination to GlobalBiz?  Some headlines, some conspiracy theories,
and the usual work of disinformation, lost film, pooh-poohings and
there you have it: dead guy, crowds dispersed, and no one on trial
except some boob they set up to pull the trigger.

A Parallax View for sure. Where's Warren Beatty when you need him? 
Oh, wait, he died at the end of that film.


  --- In, "hugheshugo"
> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, bob_brigante <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > I don't know what it's like for those of you who
> > live in the UK, but from the point of view of we
> > other EU residents, your country must be going 
> > through some weird shit lately, possibly weirder 
> > even than under Blair.
> > 
> > You're now officially the most surveilled society
> > on the planet. Each of you are filmed on the average 
> > of 80 times a day, on closed circuit cameras that
> > have all been networked (even if they're private, 
> > on ATMs and the like) so that the government can 
> > use them watch everybody. 
> > 
> > And, as attested to by friends who tried to travel
> > there recently from Spain, you're "cracking down"
> > on tourists who overstay their EU tourist visas.
> > 
> > A couple of friends who were a few days over the
> > limit of their three-month visa flew into Britain
> > for a few days' visit last week, prior to their
> > return to the US. The officials at the airport 
> > looked at their passports and dragged them out of 
> > line, took all of their possessions away from them, 
> > and wouldn't let them call anyone. They put them 
> > in a locked detention cell with no beds in it 
> > overnight where they had to sleep on the floor
> > with 20 other detainees stopped for similar 
> > tourist visa violations, and then put them on 
> > the next plane back to where they had come from 
> > in the morning. 
> > 
> > This was a married couple who were obviously well
> > off. They were just passing through, and had 
> > unintentionally gone over the limit on their
> > tourist visas because they had been having fun 
> > touring Europe, moving from country to country. 
> > Each time they did they got new stamps on their 
> > passports, and thought that that was sufficient
> > to renew their three-month tourist visas. Trouble 
> > was they never traveled outside EU countries, and 
> > the new crackdown says that tourists have to leave 
> > the EU *completely* after three months.
> > 
> > Everyone treated this way had "black marks" stamped 
> > on their passport records such that they will prob-
> > ably have trouble traveling anywhere in the world
> > from now on, because they have been officially
> > deported from a country. As far as I know, even
> > though the overstaying the tourist visas thing
> > IS a larger EU concern, no other country in the
> > EU is reacting like this and getting all gestapo
> > on people's asses.
> > 
> > So tell me, those of you who live there...what the
> > FUCK is going on? 
> > 
> I don't know what's going on but it scares the hell out of me. The 
> story above about your friends disturbs me a lot, we never hear about 
> things like that in the press here, I hate to think our country 
> treats people like that.  It's very paranoid, but the tabloids have 
> been whipping people into a xenophobic frenzy recently and the 
> government uses them as a barometer for the national mood, I hate to 
> think it's gone this far though. I can see the far-right doing well 
> in the next elections.
> As for the erosion of civil liberties, the legislation has crept in 
> since 9/11 bit by bit our hard won liberty has been eroded, I don't 
> know why people don't care about this maybe it's the slow drip-drip 
> that that people I talk to assume that the government has our best 
> interests at heart, I've never been that trusting. The police are 
> never slow to abuse their power, anti terrorist legislation can be 
> used to arrest people for just about anything.
> I used to be a regular demo attendee always trying to change the 
> world or at least the government. I can't do it anymore cos it's 
> illegal, yep someone got arrested and held without charge for 4 days 
> just for reading out the names of war-dead in Iraq in public. And I 
> don't think the kids are too bothered, probably got enough worries 
> paying off their students debts and looking forward to those 
> mortgages to care.
> And the CCTV thing, that really winds me up, everywhere you go there 
> are cameras, even when I'm walking the dog in the morning they're 
> following me, what are they expecting me to do? strap explosives to 
> her and blow up the police station? It's madness, they even watch me 
> when I'm doing chin-ups on the swings in the park, I give them a 
> volley of rude hand signals for that, quite surprised I haven't been 
> arrested actually. As they monitor all e-mails too I'll probably get 
> my door kicked in by the spooks tonight, if you never hear from me 
> again I'm rotting in a cell somewhere.
> They have plans for roadside cameras to log every car that drives 
> past, face recognition software so they can automatically track 
> whoever they want wherever they want. The Stasi would have loved 
> technology like that. I think that could be the problem, a lot of 
> this only happens because the technology has been invented and 
> someone in the government thinks it will save time and money to use 
> cameras rather than actual policemen and then it gets used to monitor 
> just for the sheer control-freakness of it.
> The tabloids whine about immigrants but just as many Brits leave 
> every year, don't blame them I plan to split as soon as possible.
> > Are you aware that this is the new policy and that 
> > mass deportations now seem to be the order of the 
> > day? My friends said that the scene at the airport
> > and in the detention cell was like something out 
> > of the film "Children Of Men," and that they will 
> > never under any circumstances set foot in the UK 
> > again.
> Genuinely sorry to hear that and that they had a crap experience.

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