--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > Witnessing is not a dissassociative state in which different 
> > aspects of the personality are fragmented from one another. 
> > It's a natural experience that arises when the silent aspect 
> > of life is open to awareness along with the active aspects. 
> While I'd like to make that same assumption, I find
> that if I'm honest with myself, I cannot. It may feel
> that way at the time, but the bottom line is that 
> witnessing is Just Another Subjective Experience. We
> have all been carefully taught how to interpret those
> subjective experience, in the TMO and/or in other
> spiritual traditions. But there is no surety that 
> their interpretation is the correct one IMO.

There's a distinct patter of EEG for witnessing ala TM. Its associated with 
related brain activity --an idling state, as it were. By "non-sensory" I mean 
activity that 
isn't driven/influenced by input from the thalamus. Its just ongoing 
optimization activity, 
or so I suspect since any time neurons are alive, they're attempting to 
optimize their 
connections with their neighbors--thats why isolated neurons in petri dishes 
look like 
amoebae: they're desperately seeking input to optimize. At the most fundamental 
thats all neurons EVER do (besides eat and excrete) but the independent 
process gets overwhelmed at times by reactions to inputs from sensory centers.


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