Sandi Ego wrote (snipped):

witnessing is nothing more 
than the first glimpses of ceding the individual ego
to the cosmic 
ego. after awhile the cosmic ego predominates and the
individual ego 
disappears. just as you said, it is all a matter of
integration. The 
companion of silence which initially seems foreign is
later found to 
be true identity. 

Me (truncated):  That is my experience exactly, Sandy.
 And it also seems to me to be the case that language
becomes somewhat of an a priori lie at that point. 
When I am truly my Self, language that was habitual
when I was self is not adequate at all.  On the other
hand, if I write as Self dictates, the results are
often strange.  

And when I first began witnessing deep sleep, I hated
it big time because I was witness to a tired and badly
managed physiology in all it's debilitated glory that
I still identified with to a degree to great for

However, the individual ego doesn't exactly disappear.
 It's there as a tool or a "mouthpiece" when needed.  a

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