Black Hand (Serbian: Црна рука / Crna Ruka), officially Unification
or Death (Serbian: Уједињење или смрт / Ujedinjenje ili smrt), was a
secret society founded in Serbia in May 1911, this
society's possible connections to the June 28, 1914 assassination in
Sarajevo of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria is considered to
have been the main catalyst to the start of World War I.

Ohhh you got me!
Yes, Franz Ferdinand was a king killed by the Serbs. Do you see conection?
Due to my bad reputation I am going around killing kings.

My father was Croatian Serb, my mother is Croatian, I am living in Croatia.
Is that relevant for someone? Maybe for such people who were creating war
during 90' in ex-yugoslavia.
During war on Kosovo I picked up 30 people in small bus and with help of
others we were runing Dubrovnik Peace Project for 2 years. That is something
what one political Serb would never did - to fight for peace on Kosovo.
I concerne myself as someone without feeling of patriotism of any kind.

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