--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2008, at 7:52 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > What I think is hilarious is that Judy has now
> > pissed away almost all of her posts for the week
> > "defending" this idea (that I personally think
> > she made up) that "transcendental meditation"
> > was a common term at the time Maharishi first
> > began using it. I'd certainly never heard it
> > before, and I was personally involved in the
> > efforts to protect the trademark, once gained.
> > None of the copyright lawyers I spoke to during
> > that time had ever heard of it being used before,
> > either.
> >
> > It's just a WONDERFUL exercise in ego gone wild,
> > the intellectual counterpart of the Girls Gone
> > Wild videos. I doubt she can ever produce any
> > instance of this exact term being used before
> > Maharishi did it, so the *least* she could do
> > for us is to throw beads at the onlookers as
> > she dances. :-) :-) :-)
> >
> > On the other hand, within a few hours she'll be
> > out of our hair for the rest of the week, and
> > people will be able to post again without her
> > attempting to suck them into arguments.
> Well I do have to wonder if Anandamayi Moi is the source. But  
> interestingly, the previously discussed idea of non-responsive,  
> introverted samadhi actually occurs before bhavatita in Anandamayi's  
> system, leading one to wonder if MMY got the idea from her, but is  
> missing the same level of depth:

Seeing how MMY is one of the people her online biography mentions by name, its 
that she and he had a close relationship. However, from that, we can also take 
away the 
impression that she felt he was something special in his own right and your 
characterization of him as "missing the same level of depth" would likely have 
gone over 
like a lead balloon had you pitched it to her.


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