--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108"
> > <sandiego108@> wrote:
> > > I am all for misrepresenting McCain's remark, if it gives the 
> > > Democrats and specifically Obama a decisive advantage.
> > 
> > Why would you want to give such a hypocrite a
> > decisive advantage? Obviously he's pretending to
> > be something he isn't, i.e., "above politics."
> > And here he is, lying through his teeth just like
> > the right-wingers we're trying to get rid of.
> I am not looking for perfection in my candidate of choice-
> a little too much to hope for, don't you think?

Don't worry, if he weren't hypocritical, he still
wouldn't be perfect.

 though I think that politics 
> is largely about governing perception. Obama has shown to be
> the one appearing to stay above the fray. 

He does a fine job of *appearing* to stay above it.
He lets his campaign and his supporters wallow in
the muck.

> I just get a more consistent vibe from him that he has it
> together, that he is less shakable during this intense, always
> in the public eye, campaign phase- he can take the pressure. 
> Hillary on the other hand seems tired and combative

Yes, she's tired because she's working her butt off
against near-impossible odds. And if she weren't
combative, she'd be steamrolled by the attacks from
the Obama campaign and supporters and the media.

- not much of the 
> old fire and true principle I used to see in her. Granted all of 
> this is just my perception-- you may see it validly from a 
> completely different pov.

Yeah, I don't think you've been listening to her that
much, to be honest. Have you been to her Web site?

> >  McCain is the 
> > > dude after all who was singing bomb bomb Iran. What a twit,
> > > and a dangerous one at that.
> > 
> > I agree. It's imperative we keep him out of the White
> > House. But he's going to beat Obama if Obama is
> > nominated.
> >
> I am willing to take that chance-- a purer battle and all
> that.

You're all for a purer battle in which Obama lies about
McCain's position on keeping troops in Iraq?

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